2》Father and Son reunion , Memories

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Well, hey guys I am back with the next part of my story so here is the next chapter!


" Mom, I'm home ", Ash yelled in excitement as soon as he opened the door of his house.

After entering, Ash first lay a sleeping Riolu on the couch and Pikachu jumped on the ground as he knows how Delia welcomes her son and he don't want himself to get squished between them. Suddenly a certain voice caught their attention.

" Welcome back Ash ", someone said with a smile.

Hearing the voice ash was surprised as he had not heard that voice since ages. He was shocked, surprised, happy, emotional and what not. He wanted to say a lot of things, but words were not coming from his mouth. Pikachu was confused he was first looking at his trainer then to the person then again repeated it a few times till he heard his trainer and best friend say something.

" Dad ", Ash said and without wasting any moment hugged his dad tightly while shedding a few tears and why not he was meeting his dad after so many years.

Pikachu was happy for his trainer as he had seen how much Ash misses his father. Even Red was not able to control his tears as he was seeing his son after a long time so he also responded the hug like he would never let him go.

" Dad why didn't you came home before, didn't you missed me and mom for once ", Ash asked his dad while still hugging him tightly as if he separated from hug than his father would disappear.

" It's not like that, Ash; I had missed you and your mom. There was not a single day when I had not thought about you both. It was necessary for me to stay away at that time ", Red said while hugging his son.

" Why dad why can't you stay with us ", Ash asked his dad not able to understand what was stopping him from living with them.

" Don't worry Ash, I will explain everything to you tomorrow for sure ", Red promised his son.

" Ok Dad but I am happy that after so long you are finally here with us ", Ash said happily and then broke the hug.

" I am happy as well Ash ", Red replied with a small smile as well.

Ash then looked at his Pikachu who was looking at both of them, so he decided to introduce his first Pokémon to his dad.

" Hey Dad, I want you to meet someone, (pointing towards Pikachu) this here is Pikachu my very first Pokémon and my best friend and Pikachu, he (pointing towards his dad) is my dad about whom I told you ", Ash said while introducing his first Pokémon to his dad and vice versa.

Pikachu jumped on Red's shoulder and nuzzled his cheeks like he does with Ash and Delia. In return Red caressed Pikachu's head to which Pikachu cooed happily. Ash was happy seeing his father, his mentor and his superhero. From childhood ash had seen his dad interacting with people and Pokémon and seeing him like that motivated ash to become friends with every Pokémon.

" I am sorry ash I was not there for you when you received your first Pokémon or to console you when you lost your first ever league ", Red apologized to his son.

" It's fine dad you said na that you were busy, and I trust you that if it was possible for you then you would have surely come to meet me ", Ash replied with a small smile.

Red was happy to hear these words from ash, he could see that Ash had not only grown but had matured a lot as well.

" Delia although I was not there with you while raising Ash, but I think you had raised him even better than I could have if I was with you ", Red thought while looking at his son.

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