-chapter five-

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"I know this may be, like, upsetting and shit, but that future prom queen is gonna be fine. It's just like, rubber wheels." Argyle said with a nod as he drove the car. It was dark outside, and Sev sat in the back of the van with his knees underneath his chin.

They had been allowed to leave the rink. Well, they had been kicked out when the ambulance came to make sure Angela didn't have a concussion.

"Plastic." Johnathon corrected from the passenger seat. The two of them were completely and utterly stoned. Sev was considering joining them, maybe it would numb his feelings and get rid of his thoughts. Though usually when he got stoned, he couldn't stop talking, so maybe that was a bad idea. "Not hard plastic... Just like, the soft stuff."

Sev looked at the street lights passing through the window. They were like little glow worms in the dark surrounding them. One of them flickered. He turned back to the front and watched as Argyle and Johnathon tried to make Jane feel better and failing miserably.

"But you ever wonder why the wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal? So people don't get hurt when they get shmacked."



"Because it happens more than you'd think. Roller skate attacks."

"Hey, at least it wasn't an ice skate."

Sev un zipped his bag and slipped his foam padded head phones over his ears. Maybe if he turned the volume up loud enough, he could drown out the words spinning in his head like they were rollerblading in a rink. Fag. Replacement. Fag. Replacement. Fag-

She's a very kinky girl.... the kind you don't take home to mother!

Sev cracked a smile at the irony and turned the music up. Tapping his foot to the beat and making sure the stacks of empty pizza boxes next to him didn't tip over. He heard the stoners singing about 'blip's faintly, but then he turned it up higher.

She will never let your spirits down once you get her off the street, ow, girl

He couldn't go deaf by thirty if he didn't make it to thirty in the first place. That was his main outlook on life. It can't be your problem in the future if you don't have a future.

She likes the boys in the band...She says that I'm her all-time favourite

Sev was tempted to just get out of the van when it stopped at a red light, and just walk back to his home so he didn't have to deal with the three big messes sitting in front of him. Then again, it would be about an hour's walk back, so maybe there wasn't any point. It was dark outside anyway, and there wasn't as many street lights near his home.                                                                                                         He turned his Walkman off and shoved it all back into his backpack as they walked to the door, knowing Joyce didn't like it when he had them on in the house because he couldn't hear when someone was talking to him.

"Blip blip blip blip blip blip..." Johnathon stopped when they opened the front door and heard classical music through the house. They all exchanged glances, except for Mike, who had no idea that Joyce thought classical music was made to make your ears bleed.

Will stepped forwards, "mum?"

Sev wrinkled his nose at the man's hairline as he turned around in the kitchen with a large smile, wearing an old apron. He held a wooden spoon in his hand, "Well well, aren't you lot a sight for sore eyes!"

"I don't think that's your mum." Sev told Will, staring at the strange man. 

Jonathon waved happily at the chef, a stupidly high smile on his face, "hi Murray."

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