-chapter twenty five-

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Y'all I'm back with the last two chapters!!! sorry this took so long for me to pump out I completely lost motivation for this book but I'm determined to finish it this weekend!


Sev poked at the jelly, which wobbled pitifully, the orange colour of it shining in the hospital lights. He didn't want to eat it, but the nurse that had been watching over him for the last four hours was eyeing him as they worked on one of the many machines hooked up to his small body.

"Do you have any slushies?"

An icy stare was sent his way, and Sev stabbed the jelly with the plastic spork, sinking back into his throne of itchy pillows with a sigh.

The pain had turned to a numb feeling all throughout the left side of his body, from his shattered shin to his broken collar bone, and all the fractures and snapped ligaments in between.

He could think straight though, or maybe he was so drugged up he thought he was fine, either way, he was processing shit. Not that he wanted to, Sev would love to pretend the last three days didn't happen, but when it turns out you're the same as the big bad guy in the end, [an awful plot twist, but that's beside the point] it tends to stick with you.

Orange jelly didn't help the bitter taste in his mouth when he remembered the way Henry/One looked at him before his eyes were pulled out the back of his skull. Like the monster was happy to die this way, because he was proving his point.

That Sev was a monster.

Nothing he could do about it now though, except for wait for Johnathon to nag the hospital staff into letting them go to Max's room. They hadn't even got the confirmation that the injured red head was even here, but Will had assured him they were at the only hospital in Hawkins, and Lucas wasn't stupid enough to let her 'walk it off'.

After the reassurance, he had promptly fallen asleep at Sev's bedside, borrowing one of the itchy cream-coloured pillows. El was curled up next to Sev, her feet at his shoulders and her shaved head resting at the end of the bed.

No one had gotten a lot of sleep during the two days of non-stop driving to get to Hawkins, which included shop lifting service station sausage rolls and a shit load of painkillers, spending Johnathon's college fund on petrol, and using pizza boxes as blankets.

It had certainly been interesting, for the hazy pain filled parts Sev was awake, before he was stuffed with pills and left to sleep in the back of the van. Sometimes when everyone was asleep, save whoever was driving, Will would crawl back and act as Sev's pillow.

His black and white stripey jumper that had gone through so much was finally in the bin, as the blood stains would not come at, and it was torn up beyond recognition. Still, Sev refused to wear a hospital gown, not only did the sensation remind him far too much of the lab, but it was also really ugly. That explained the goosebumps along his arms, as he was left in an old band t shirt, his jeans, and the multitude of leather bracelets and cuffs around his wrists. No point wearing them now, everyone knew there was a little 007 printed on his left one, but they provided comfort. Also, he wanted to match Will, who was still wearing his birthday present.

The swinging double doors opened, and a majorly sleep deprived Johnathon and Argyle came over to his bedside, rubbing their puffy eyes. Johnathon waved a completed form in his hand. "You're going into a surgery to fix your shin soon, then the nurse said she'll take us to Max and everyone else."

Argyle sat down on the end of the bed, narrowly missing sitting on El, and started swinging his legs. "But dude, you need to get Joyce in here so this little dude can skedaddle out of here."

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