-chapter twenty seven-

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the above art is a drawing I did of Sev a while ago! Last chapter <3 Thanks to everyone who followed this story even though I took a good three month break lol, I can't believe I really finished this fic ASDFGHJKLKGFDSA



"Are you sure your okay?" Will asked, nervous energy radiating off him. Sev tried to radiat some calm energy back to him, but he hadn't mastered that part of mind magic yet. "You just got out of surgery, and Max isn't going anywhere. You should probably rest actually-"

Sev turned as much as he could in the wheelchair without breaking his collar bone again. He smiled, "I'm okay now, zombie boy. I promise. And I want to see Max again, I have to yell at her for nearly dying."

"Then I'll tell her you nearly died," Will shot back skittishly, glancing around the empty white hallways of the hospital. Everyone else had gone up to level five first, but Sev and Eddie were made to wait until beds were wheeled into the room so they'd have somewhere to lay around in pain.

They hadn't said anything yet. Of course, they'd talked, they'd talked a lot. And cried for a good while, and then talked more about everything under the sun. And talked after nightmares in the back of pizza vans and hospital beds. And then cried again. But neither Will nor Sev had said anything about the fact they'd sort of kissed.

It was making his skin itchy and the words he wanted to say were stuck in his sore throat crying and screaming to be said. Sev fiddled with the top of his bright green can of fizzy drink that was making his braincells vibrate with each sip. "Hey Will?"


"You know how I said, like..." Sev ran his finger over the red string tied around his pinkie. He chewed the inside of his lip, which was starting to swell up. "...all that... stuff?"

Will's voice was distracted as he spoke, and it pierced through Sev's chest like a bullet. And he knew what that felt like. Will pushed the elevator button to level five, cracking his knuckles. "You say a lot of stuff, Sevvy."

"I know," he continued, blinking until he realised why he was and holy shit this was not the right time to start crying. There would be a better time to say this, he thought as he was pushed into the elevator, but that better time would be a long time away. A better time when he wasn't wrapped up in bandages and his thoughts didn't spiral and there weren't people in the hospital after being trapped under rubble.

But Sev couldn't wait for a better time.

"I meant all that stuff about, like..." He gulped and looked down at his one muddy converse, his other foot in a grey moonboot El had already drawn smiley faces all over. "All that stuff about me, sort of..."

Will didn't say anything. The little screen above all of the buttons switched from two to three with a click.

"Sort of, liking you?"

There was a tense silence for a moment, and Sev started chewing the inside of his lip again, tasting metallic blood that made the shiny grey walls in front of him turn to a broken-down floating house of slime tendrils and twisted teenagers. He blinked again and it was gone. He was okay. They were all okay. He shook his head a little at himself.

"You don't have to say anything."

"What if I wanted to?"

Sev turned slowly, trying not to hurt anymore of his aching body, and made eye contact with a nervous looking Will, who started to smile. Sev twisted his red string ring. "What do you mean?"

The elevator doors opened, and a bored looking nurse looked up from her clipboard and stepped in, pushing button four. Will got them into an empty little waiting room full of scratchy chairs and boring magazines printed for mums.

Sev couldn't let the conversation get away from him because he honestly wasn't sure if he had the courage to bring it up again.

"I did kiss you; you know. I've never done that before." Will said, his fingers tapping on the plastic handles of the wheelchair. A smile crept into his tone of voice. "I really like you, Sevvy."

He couldn't really flail around in excitement considering the condition he was in, but Sev managed to hide his face in his sleeves as he hyperventilated. Will had really just said that, like, in real life, not just Sev's imagination.

A laugh escaped his lips, and he felt like he really could just say anything, the words weren't stuck in his throat anymore. He bit the inside of his lip, but it wasn't painful. He was happy this time. "Um, this is sort of a weird question..."

"Most things you say are weird," Will said teasingly, a breath leaving his lungs and Sev realised that conversation might've been just as scary as swearing at Vecna for him too.

"Everything I say is weird?" Sev shrugged with one shoulder and sipped his green drink. He felt like he could do a cartwheel now, with the combination of caffeine and giddiness. "I guess I'll just go ask someone else to be my boyfriend, someone who appreciates that everything I say is weird."

Will didn't say anything for a second, but that didn't scare Sev this time. Then Will walked around the wheelchair, shoes squeaking on the tiles that were covered in blood for a moment but then Sev blinked and it was okay because everyone was safe and also Will was leaning down and holding his face.

Sev tried to contain a grin and then there were lips on his forehead and Will pulled back, with a tiny smile, and looked away. "I do like it when you say weird things."

"Your mums in the elevator with a runaway Russian slave and risotto man."

Lover boy[s] // Will ByersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora