-chapter twenty two-

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"Surfs up my dude!"

"Woah. Nice shirt, my dude."

"Thanks, my dude."

"If I ever speak like that just cut my tongue out. Please." Sev muttered, staring up at the two guys conversing over the counter of the nearest surfer boy pizza's restaurant they could find. Somewhere along the road back to Hawkins, and it seemed to be closing.

"Uh, listen, I would love to feed a fellow Surfer Boy, but kitchen closed, like, five minutes ago, so no more pies tonight, man."

"That's all right, my dude. You see this weird girl behind me? And this other weird dude that just died? She needs a tub with a bunch of salt so we can enhance her psychic power so she can save the world from this super bad dude. The one that killed this weird dude, but he can read minds so my bro's fine now. But to make this salty tub, we require your kitchen." Argyle said, pointing behind him to Jane, who waved, and Sev who watched with glazed over eyes.

Will leant down next to him, "did you get high?"

"I think it might be.... the drugs," Sev whispered very loudly, smiling widely. His body felt sore and achy every time he took a single breath in, but also like he was floating through the clouds, like a dandelion in the wind.

"Ah, Well, it's just, uh... I'm supposed to meet Chaz at Taco Bell in, like, ten. So...." The worker faltered, his yellow hat falling over his eyes.

"My dude. We're not asking you to help for free. You ever partake in... Purple Palm Tree Delight? It'll make all your troubles float away. Like dandelions in the wind."

The teenager didn't look convinced when Argyle held up the small roll. Sev motioned for Will to push the wheelchair he was slumped in forwards, and he looked over the counter. He tapped the metal pole with the morphine drip behind him, "you ever had this shit, man?"

"Uh.... No?"

"That's cause they only have it at the dang hospitals, it so strong." Sev grinned. "You want to float away and not have a single coherent thought for the next ten hours? Because if you take this, you won't be able to feel anything. Including your hands."

Jane turned to Will, "should we take that off him?"

Will shrugged, "he'd probably start crying if we did. Sev don't give away the medicine, just let the dude take the pineapple weed, you actually need it. No, don't touch that! Sev don't put that in your mouth-"

"Do you remember that time you told me you had a Lego stuck up your nose?" Johnathon asked quietly.

Will turned around with a start, pushing his hands off the red counter he had been leaning on. His brother was still stirring the pizza dough freezer, a large wooden paddle making ripples in the clear and very salty water. Will frowned with confusion as he kept talking, "like, it was a...it was a construction guy. You'd call him Larry!"

Johnathon raised his eyebrows when Will vaguely blinked at him. "Come on! You don't remember? He had the high viz jacket and the removable hat?"

Will honestly wasn't sure what this was about, and was wondering if it was the best idea for Johnathon to be stoned while they tried to save Hawkins. "Uh, yeah. Vaguely."

"Well, I remember it like it was yesterday," Johnathon continues, setting the wooden paddle down on one of the shiny metal benches. "Man, I was...I was freaked. Cause this Larry, I mean Larry was way, way up there. I don't even know how you got him that far up. I had to do surgery. I had to...had to get tweezers to pull him out."

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