-chapter eighteen-

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Sev didn't look up from his feet, watching as the spiderman stickers peeled off his boots and were left behind. He didn't want to see the others. Apparently, he had not choice, because he was wrapped in a tight hug by Will. He was tall and soft and somehow Sev didn't feel scared or angry anymore. "I got you-"

"Guys we need to go right now!"

Sev looked over Will's shoulder to where Johnathon was panicking, pacing back and forth, his eyes on the concrete block of building behind them. It was making rattling sounds. Argyle swore, "oh fuck me man, there's more bad guys!"

Will dragged him over to the van, and they started to pile into it quickly, Mike helping Jane into the back. Sev turned around and spotted the line of parked black military trucks to the side, the ones the explosion hadn't destroyed. He spoke to the others, eyes not leaving the concrete block as more government agents in helmets and bullet proof armour piled out. "Guys, if they reach those car's then we'll never lose them."

"We can still try!" Johnathon yelled, and started the van, smashing his palms against the wheel as it slowly came to life. Jane turned to Sev, knowing they could try, but they would never be safe if they left the soldiers to get to their vehicles.

"Drive the van over that hill," Sev said sternly, pointing to a crest in the desert. "They can't see you there. I can stop them before they get all of us."

"No way, we aren't leaving you." Mike snapped, leaning out of the passenger seat with a frown. Sev smiled. "Cute, but I can take them."

"Huh? With your mind?"

"I think we've established I'm broken in that department dude. That doesn't mean I can't fight though, Papa was making child soldiers, he wasn't going to let one of us go to waste." Sev's voice was bitter, and he glared at the stream of soldiers sprinting towards their trucks, and the van.

Johnathon glanced from the men to the sand dune they were being told to hide behind. He knew they were wasting time. "If you're not back in five minutes, we'll hit them with the van."

"Yes, you're quite good at that." Sev muttered, and clicked the gun in this hand, starting towards the agents who were closeted to get to his friends. He heard the engine start behind him, and relief flooded his body, despite the fact he was about to take on about fifteen trained soldiers. Unfortunately, he was also a trained soldier.

That relief quickly disappeared once he felt someone grab his arm. Sev whipped around with a yelp, "what are you doing?"

Will's eyebrows were furrowed, and he gritted his teeth. Sev's heart wasn't just beating fast from the fear when his hand was grabbed and squeezed tightly. Will took a deep breath, "I'm not losing you Sevvy."

"You won't, I promise. Now go, you idiot."

"We found each other, right?" Will asked with a crackly voice. Sev registered that Will wasn't holding his hand anymore, he was looping their pinkies together. Now he wasn't sure what to think. A bullet hit the ground a meter away from them.

"I'll find you again, zombie boy."

Another bullet hit the ground a lot closer to the pair. Sev whipped around with a glare, and held his gun up in line with the guy's chest, "give me a minute!"


"Now go before you get shot," Sev hissed, and shoved Will away lightly, towards the van, where Johnathon was beeping the horn. A conflicted sort of look flashed across the boy's face, and he turned around quickly, racing back to the van, bullets spraying around his feet. Sev waited a moment until the door was slammed shut.

"You couldn't have waited a minute?" Sev grumbled, dropping to fighting stance with a glare. "He was being all cute and dramatic."

The first soldier came up, firing his gun, but Sev jumped to the side quickly and grabbed the back of his vest when the soldier tried to sprint to the skidding away van. He threw the guy to the ground quickly and twisted his head to the side a little too far, as he was already unbalanced. He ripped the machine gun out of his hands, dropping his tiny hand on in the dirt.


His body was jerked backwards at the force the new gun had when he fired at them, but he crouched a little, and balanced himself as the spray of bullets washed over the soldiers. They went down quickly, but at least five others were running to their trucks.

"Okay, rude." Sev scoffed, and sprinted over, leaping over bodies as he dodged stray shots and made his way to the remaining enemies. "You just had to make me run."


One of them slumped against their car door, blood splattering shiny and wet onto the metal as they fell to the ground. Dead. Their partner lunged at Sev quickly, but he already predicted the way their arm would go around his shoulder so he could flip him over and reach for his gun. He twisted it around quickly before he could though, snapping their arm clean in half and-


The engine of one of the three trucks roared to life, and Sev shot at their windscreen as it headed straight for him. Unfortunately, it was bullet proof. Instead, he aimed for their front tires, grimacing as it spun to the side and into a stray fire, where it proceeded to burn up the engine.


It knocked into another stray soldier and the car exploded completely, a wave of heat washing over Sev's face, and pieces of metal flew into the air. Sev sniffed, "that was totally on purpose."

"I have the target locked."

"Well technically I'm not dead yet, so that's sorta lyin- okay okay!" Sev shrieked as bullets hit the truck behind him. He huffed at the soldier and proceeded to grab the strap under their chin that was holding down their helmet. He brought it down suddenly on the bonnet, rendering him unconscious, or dead. Sev didn't stop to check.


"We have to go back!" Will yelled, leaning into the front seat. Johnathon waved him off again, keeping his firmly on the crest of sand in front of him. He refused to go back, saying that then they would all die.

"Five minutes, Will." He shot back through gritted teeth, his knuckled turning white on the steering wheel. Argyle tapped everything frantically, "oh man oh man oh man-"

"Shut up!"

"Where is he?" El worried, her chest moving up and down too quickly. Will didn't pause to re assure her, he was just trying not to cry. He couldn't help but imagine everything going wrong in that moment. What if he was already dead, bleeding out into the sand just like everyone else at the scene. What if he needed their help but Johnathon was being stupid and patient and then Sev would die.

"Johnathon, come on!"

"There he is!" Mike yelled, pointing to the top of the sand dune they were currently parked behind. Will choked out a sigh of relief as he watched a small figure sway on top of the ridge, dropping a little object from his hand that he assumed to a be a gun.

"He's okay," El sighed.

Johnathon beeped the horn again, and Will pulled the sliding van door open for him. Then his blood ran cold. Sev didn't move, until he was in all the wrong ways because he stepped forward, and faceplanted into the sand and dirt.

He's just clumsy, Will told himself, because it was true. But Sev was fine, he had to be. He had promised.

But he didn't get back up. 

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