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I awake with a jolt, sitting straight up in bed I take in my surroundings, everything is as it should be, in it's exact place, nothing amis.

It's still dark out, but I know I won't be able to go back to sleep, though I seemed to have slept soundly even if I did wake up feeling anxious.

I pull the covers off of myself and get out of bed, I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up for the day ahead, combing out my long hair and rubbing oils on my skin, the smell of vanilla, musk and gardenia's fill my senses. I love smelling good, even if I don't go anywhere or do anything. After cleaning my mouth with mint paste I make my way back into the bedroom.

I find myself standing naked in the soft glow of the lantern I left lit last night, in front of my wardrobe, wondering what to wear, as if I have many options.

Settling on a deep purple wrap top and an ankle length light brown flowing skirt, I dress and decide to actually put on some slip on shoes if I'm really going back into the caves. Last time wasn't pleasant, it hurt my feet, unlike the moss covered ground of the forest that feels cushioned against my bare soles.

My heart is pounding so loud it's the only thing I can hear as I leave my small cottage and make my way to the caves in the quiet, dark, early hours of the morning. Why I've decided to go alone instead of waiting for Aries is beyond me. Something is driving me to go see this Reaper now, what I don't know, but it feels right to follow this instinct.

The walk all the way from my cottage to the mouth of the cave feels forever long as I walk by myself in the dark. I can finally make out the entrance, just as I hear birds begin to sing, singling the rising of the sun this morning. Which means I don't have much time before everyone will be up, they'll be wondering where I am. The nosey witches popping into my cabin unexpectedly if I take too long to get up and out for the day.

I stop in front of the entrance, unsure if I'm really brave enough to go in here alone after yesterday. After looking a fool.

After finding out what he is.

The thought of him has one foot in front of the other before I even realize I've begun walking again. I need answers. I need to feel safe again. I need to know why.

Why me?

Why'd I have to go and have some fucked up dream about some handsome stranger who just so happened to end up in our forest, a willing prisoner at that when he posses power beyond belief.

Or so I thought.

A willing prisoner my ass.

As I make my way to the holding cell door I can already tell the chains have been broken away and the door is slightly open.

My heart officially drops into my ass as I look into the room and confirm it's empty. No Reaper in sight. Panic starts to settle in, he's obviously escaped, which I shouldn't be surprised, someone should have been on watch duty at all hours! I'm a complete moron and Aries is too, at that! He could be doing anything his dark heart desired. At least if he was being guarded we would have known when he got out.

Is this what jolted me awake? The knowing of something being amis.
I hury down the halls and back out of the cave, making my way back to the center of the village in search of Aries. Hopefully nothing bad has happened so far. The morning is just as peaceful as usual, with the sound of morning birds singing in the trees.

I'm almost running as I finally reach the center, the sun has finally risen and is making it's way through the canopy to the forest floor, which is bustling with all the women going about the morning as if nothing is wrong. That's good, right?

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