Sweet disapointment

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*sigh* so here i am again. yeah so today i was encouraged to ask the girl i like out on a date (kind of weird to use words like "like" when i'm an adult now but it's whatever), i did that, what was i expecting really? i'm me. oh well what can you do i just have to move on, that's where i went wrong with my previous crush, i got all tied up. it's actually kinda disappointing because i was really starting to like her.

well that's that i'm out of girls i know, and it's not like i'm meeting new people, "oh woe is me" i need to stop trying to get a pity high off random strangers.

i say really starting to like her" but it's not like that, i've liked her for years we had just became distant, we where good friends back in the day until i fucked up... me fucking up seems to be a common trend.

constant rejection is getting to me not going to lie, i don't really meet new people and i have standards which are really aiming high especially for me.

also going back to being encouraged, yeah i was told to "stop being hard on myself", that i'm actually "a pretty nice guy", that she "seems to like me", people just don't get it, i'm not the type of person that people are romantically interested in, it just seems like i'm destined to be alone.

anyways enough of my pity-party, i might make another entry later if i'm feeling up to it idk... my phone just buzzed speak of the devil it's her... with a cat meme? well i guess out friendship's still solid :)

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