Stepped up

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I don't know whether i've talked much about my family.

my family consist of me, my two brothers, and my mum and dad. while my family is functional it's not... the best, and with that being said my dad can be a bit of a grumpy, arrogant cunt. today dad got home from camping over the weekend which is a weekly excursion he goes on, brings home a load of wood and acts like a prick for the rest of the day. today he was yelling at me and my middle brother over fucking chocolate (mind you i have like one or two pieces off of a bar which has like 30 or so idfk) and while me and my eldest brother were getting dinner my middle brother aparently had words with dad, and i mean i'm genuinely shocked.

my middle brother avoids confrontations like the plague due to our shared family illnesses of severe almost debilitating anxiety and depression, it kind of makes him a bit of a push over, and i had genuinely forgot that he'll do anything to protect me and my other brother. 

i mean when i got home dad was acting all sheepish, and usually i'm the one who puts dad in his place when he oversteps his authority. like i genuinely forgot how much of a legend my brother can be when he's not too worried about triggering someone elses anxiety. <3

sorry for the incoherent rambling, tldr i love my brother (middle brother, eldest is a prick)

The Diary of an obsessive idiot(diary 4)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα