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new meds! WHOOP WHOOP!!!

so yeah new meds, they both treat adhd but one also helps with anxiety. so first i'm starting with one to find the right dosage then i'll slowly ease on to the other. not sure if the one i'm using now is making me zone out, but that hasn't happened for two days so might've just been my body needing to adapt.

so yeah that'll make 3 adhd meds and 3 anxiety meds, although if the new one which helps with anxiety does it's job right i'll be dropping one of the older anxiety ones.

gotta pop pills to function. but the reality is no matter how many pills i take i will never be normal, i'll always be awkward... but no use dwelling on it just gotta keep trying to do better.

The Diary of an obsessive idiot(diary 4)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz