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so Vyvanse is going to have a shortage and it's horrorfying.

before i was medicated the world was a nightmare, every single interaction would make me sweat, but then i got diagnosed with adhd and my quality of life started to skyrocket. then medication after medication made it so i could stitch my mental health together, try and live a life, but all this improvement was built on the foundation that is my Vyvanse. the idea of going back to that world of nightmares genuinely scares me, i will lose so much control of myself, i have no idea how i may act, how much damage i may do to my life, how many friends will i lose?

i know i'll go on too some other medication, but i'm just scared. i wanted to genuinely die back then, i wouldn't have ever done anything, but will i be able to cope?

idk i'll be fine it's a problem for another day.

The Diary of an obsessive idiot(diary 4)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat