Endless cycle

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I'm scared. Scared of falling back into old habits and patterns that I know aren't good for me. Specifically, I'm scared of confessing my feelings again and again to the same person, especially when things get tough.

It's like I'm stuck in a never-ending cycle that I can't seem to break free from. I put myself out there and get rejected, and then I do it all over again. And the worst part is that I know it's not healthy, but I can't seem to stop myself from doing it.

I'm trying my hardest to change, to be better, but the fear of failure is always there. It's like I'm in a dark room and I can't find the light switch. And even if I do find it, I'm afraid it won't stay on for long.

If you're reading this and you can relate, then you know how it feels. It's scary to think that we might never escape the endless cycle of our own self-destruction.

trying a different writing style, hope it's acceptable, jk i don't care what you think LMAO!!! 

The Diary of an obsessive idiot(diary 4)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ