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i know i have no reason or right to hate people i've held certain affection for, but i do,a

i have had genuine attraction for very few people, each have rejected me and i know have no leg to stand on, no reason to spite them, yet i do. it's not like i want too hate, but i can't help it "why can't they feel the same?" or a thought process like that keeps repeating daily through my head. Why don't i do something about it? well what can i do? sulk about it? nah fuck that, get attached to someone new? it doesn't really work like that, keep perusing the people i care for? that only pushes people away, sometimes permanently. i feel like my options are too few, and too fair apart but i see no solutions to my problem.

The Diary of an obsessive idiot(diary 4)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα