3. Hogwarts

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When Draco realized what he had just confessed he was stunned about himself. Why did he trust this person so much it was like he had done all that so many times before, just sitting here talking with that person about his problems it was as natural as breathing. Just why was it so normal to make a conversation with that Harry? Only now he noticed that he could perfectly well read the mask the boy wore he normally wasn't good with that, but he directly saw the pitying look and all the interest in what he had to say in a view you could easely mistake as a glare. Then there was that voice he knew belonged to himself in some way , the one that always questioned those dumb believes, telling him he could perfectly well trust Harry with everything even his live. It was something Drace didn't want to have true he only knew the boy for not even thirty minutes. Suddenly a picture flashed up it wasn't there long enough to see any real details but the person he saw looked like a much older version of Harry, what was that? nevermind, he tried focusing on reality again only then he noticed the waiting look on himself.
' Ah, you ready to talk again?' the amused looking boy said.

When they just tried to make a conversation again a boy with red hair and many frekels jumped in. Sal directly reconised the boy he belonged to the weaslys, Siri once tried for the two to befriend each other, but not even after five minutes Sal lost interest he knew he couldn't have one intelligent conversation with the boy. Just as the boy wanted to ask something he saw Godrik or Draco whatever and directly shot him a glare
' I wanted to ask if I could sit here but I see here already is a snakes nest in building.'
To say Sal got angry was a bit of an understatement, he knew the boy wasn't intelligent but that was a hole new level has this boy even heard of the word mannes?
And where does he think to have the right to talk to him and his Godrik like that from?
Luckely for the boy Drik placed a hand on his arm and colmed him like that, if not the boy would have flewn out of there with the head first, now he only got pushed out and the door closed ruthly before him. After that they just sat there Sal thinking about all the carekter that came through and how he could bring the memorys back, Drik thinking about what that had been again he already saw the boy flying out head out first till he placed that hand on Harry's arm. Both lost in thought none of both thinking about bringing the distance back again for Sal it was so refreshing like back then, for Draco it also triggered nostalgia but why was still a big riddle for him. Like that the sat lost in their own thoughts till both started sleeping leaning on each other.

When the train started slowing down, both of them woke up. When Drik tried to rub his eyes and go through his hair he realized he was holding another hand in his he quickly let go and sat up. After that both just wordlessly took their trunks and walked out of the train over to the big man screaming for the first years, around his head were flying severel Demontors that every now and then helped the first years trough the mass of students. After it was secured that all of them were there they followed the big barty man to the lake. Sal knew what would come now, he was happy they still had Helga's idea as a tradition, Rowenna also fastly decided it was a good way to include the first years into the wards, these people probably didn't even know why this was so beautiful and important at the same time. he and Drik just wordlessly took a boat together, hwen the boats started moving both just wordlessly stared at the point where Hogwarts would appear soon. As soon as Sal saw the castle he felt the wards swapping over him, then realized who he was and then connecting him with everything. When the connecting finished Sal felt the well to known Bracelet to stabilize the connection his was silver with an emerald snake protecting the Hogwarts crest when he looked over to Drik he saw the flimmer of the golden bracelet that then decided to just be a thine golden rife. It was obvious now the castle reconiced Godrik, but still wouldn't form a whole bondtill he remembered, Sal was still really surprised when the castle accepted the connection it would mean Godrik remembered something. Sal never came to think more about it when he felt the miserable being tho once so glory wards were now, they already started to fade completely, now Sal was completely taken into the tough of how to fix them he didn't even notice that Drik took his arm and directed him all the way to the doors of the great Hall. He also didn't listen to the speech of the stern looking women, only when Driks name was called and he lat go of his arm he realized he stood in the middle of the hall while everyone watched the Sorting. Sal now completely focused on where Drik would go he knew the answer the moment the bracelet flimmerd. Not even a minute after Drik got the head on it shouted ' GRYFFINDOR!' . Drik stood up with a bit shacky lags and looked at Sal only when he saw the little smile he relaxed a little and continued walking a bit more concius. Then Sal was called and he fastly strood the stairs up and sat down as elegant as ever. As soon as he felt the hat on his head he began the conversation

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