17. War

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When the group felt their magic disconnecting Rem and Siri from the bond, they were in an immediate state of panick,after that cruel crime it was clear the Aurors that were stationed in Hogsmead would attack. Hoping to youse this moment of shock, anger and sadness to win the war before it really started.

A group of highly equiped aurors stood at the wards, but after some seconds they walked right throught them to the shock of the group. Immediately they all got into a fighting pose, they knew there was a chance but it wasn't really big. Then the first spell was fired at Hogwarts and a wall exploded next to Sal.

' Attack!' Sal shouted and immediately all started moving equiped with their weapons and wands. Sal fastly started spreeding his snakes over the field, then he pulled out his needles. He saw one man shooting a curse at Sev and he fastly conjured a shield, then he threw the needle into the mans neck, he would be dead in a few seconds.

Row had stormed of to the Forrest she knew there where hidden trups and it could become a danger. She knew they all would die in a battle,that was clear, but it didn't have to be this one right? She pulled out an arrow and then aimed into the forest. When she let lose she immediately pulled another arrow, then after a second she heard a yell and smiled knowing she hit someone.

Hel in the meantime ran straight into the enemies craud and  began torring the aurors apart. One was splitten in half, another lost his head while trying to hex her and one also got a deep scratch to his throat.

Marv and Sev had ran after Godrick who ran into the opposite direction of the craud, Drik had spottet a shimmer by the lake and he knew it wasn't the water. When they were only meters away people began to rise out of the water. Fastly the three began shooting curses and a wild exchange of curses hexes and jinxes followed.

The twins in the meantime stayed with their father securing the entrance, while also looking out for  hurt allies. They really hoped this service wouldn't be needed.

Herm,Nev,Daph,Pansy,Blaise, Crabbe & Goyle  stormed forward together. They immediately filled out the path that Helga made into the crowd. They threw curses,but dogged at least the same amount. After some minutes Crabbe heard a cry coming from Goyle, he turned to his side and saw that he was perfectly splitten in half. He heard the incarnation of another cutting curse and directly conjured a shield but it was too late his right arm got hit and his wand fell to the ground. That was the moment he knew he was dead.

For the rest of the student group it wasn't going much better, there were just too many trained Aurors. ' Guys run! Well try Holding them off!' Pansy screamed standing back to back with Hermione. But the  others still didn't move,
' Go! Get backup or something!' Hermione yelled while blocking some spells. Finally they moved and both relaxed a bit, they combined their power trought the link and conjured a shield around them. 'Thanks Pansy and I hope we'll see each other in the afterlife there are some thinks I would like to discuss.'
' Yeah let's hope for it and I wanted to...'
But Pansy couldn't finish, because the shield broke and the got struck by Killing curses at the same time.

Arthur and the twins watched in shock as the scene happened. Then the magic snapped revealing the complete death of the two.
The only thing left was coldness and then a burning sensation flooded Goerge he knew it wasn't good, but he couldn't resist at the same time.

Then he laughed, while a somewhat creepy smile began to show. After a second he ran straight into the field laughing like a maniac, while firering curses all around. He also took several Aurors to death with his dagger. He killed atleast 30 before he started to shacke, then he collapsed.

' George nooo!'

Sorry for not updating it and also that this chapter is rather short,but I'm not really experienced in writing battles. But still I hope you somehow liked the chapter and I also hope you forgive me for killing so many of my charecters even if you didn't really get to know them.

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