12. Family

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Sal and Drik finally arrived at Grimmauldplace, but they couldn't even blink before Siri came screaming ' Harry comme! Faster! Your Parents are awake!' you could clearly see that Siri was happy. Rem just stood in the doorframe smiling, waiting for Harry to understand.

Lilly smiled at her husband and he just smiled back they would finally wake up. Back then when they had been put to sleep they somehow left their bodies and had been flying after their son for all this time, or better the founder that now called himself their son.
They had learned it shortly after the Attack when Severus found out, but they had also watched as the memories had been erased.
That's when they understood thet the founder was fully aware of their presence there hadn't been a reason to give in and tell exept letting them know. It had been a shock back then, but they knew it saved their lives and the condition they were in wasn't that bad. She and James had accapted the fact over the years and were relatively ok with it. They then had watched as the founder grew into this world, they watched as he left for Hogwarts and also when he met Draco or better Godrik. Sometimes they didn't understand an action completely but at some point it became clearer, most of the time.
And now they had watched the meeting and also the reason they would wake up soon.
They were totally fine with it and would support the founders and their group till the end.

Finally Lilly was back in her body and could feel evry nerve burning. After some minutes of just resting and letting the pain vanish she slowly opened her eyes. Immediately an alarm went of , only Seconds later a nurse came running in.
Lilly knew it had been a short way for her, the night personal really was unlucky.
' How is that even possible?' The nurse mumbled when seeing that both lilly and James were awake ' first the longbottems,now the Potter's. We gave both up how come they are completely cured now?' Then the nurse fastly shook her head.
' Hello Mr and Mrs Potter? Can you hear me?'
Lilly tried to answer but her voice was really raspy, bit that was to be expected.
' Oh wait one second' the nurse said, then muttering an spell.
Suddenly Lilly's whole body glowed softly, then when the light dimmed it felt as if it was just another morning waking up.
' Thanks' Lilly said slowly ' Oh and I can hear you, should I try standing up?'
' Hey Lils, have you forgatton me?' James huffed before laughing.
' I think we'll wait until later, your family will arrive soon, in the morning we will run some tests and fill you in on what happened in those years' As soon as the nurse finished speaking it knocked on the door.
The nurse immediately opened the door and let the group in before disappearing into the endless halls. Lilly and James knew the appearances of Harry and Draco were glamours they had seen them in adult forms.

It was a reunion with many tears but also many laughs, Siri and Rem were really surprised that Lilly and James took all that so good it also was suspicious to them that they hadn't even wondered why Draco was there.
' Hey Siri, Rem? Could we get a moment alone with the boys?' James asked. Both looked a bit disappointed but quickly left the room, but the group knew they would still listen.
' Hey boys' Lilly said smiling ' We both are ready to support you, but only if you tell Sirius and Remus. They have a right to know aswell'
Both founders nodded it was on their to do list anyways, they could do it later at home.

When the group finally left the hospital, Lilly and James were already with them. Every single test the healers had run ended in the result completely healthy.So when the group arrived at Grimmouldplace Sal and Drik immediately went to prepare themselves while Lilly went to make tea and James made his friends sit down into the living room.

' So what is it you need to tell us? And How do you even know it whatever it is?' Siri asked the round but then looked just at Lilly and James.
' I think we two should start with explaining'  Sal said while pointing at Drik and himself.
' Good I'll start' Drik said a little overmotivated
' No I'll start idiot, you will mess it up. Alright, so let's start with my name, you two know me as Harry Potter but in my last life I was known as Salazar Slytherin'
''What!?!'' Siri looked like he would faint but Rem really did  but only for some seconds.
' I think I can continue now' Sal said after Rem was better ' I was reborn into this world with all my memories  only to notice early on that many things I did were forgotten and everyone remembers me as that dark traitor'
' Sal!' ' What? I'm just telling the truth'
' Yes but your to harsh, I'll continue now'
' No, hush you Drik'
Lilly rolled her eyes and then started talking letting the founders to their bickering
' It's like that, those two over there are the married couple of Salazar and Godrik Slyterin- Gryffindor' This time the both just choked on their tea and then looked at the two
' Wait you telling me we had two founders living here? Wait they aren't fiends? Nevermind I don't think anything can shock me now' Rem said while slowly shacking his head
' Oh then wait till the supporter meeting's James said and then fastly held a hand before his mouth while Lilly just glared.

Finally  Sal has his  parents back, everyone was happy and celebrating their waking up.
Exept Dumbledore he knew there was something fishy with that. He hated the Potter boys they had manipulatet his precious Gryffindors to befriend futeure death eaters.
Now his mind jumped when they could manipulate the kids they probably had done the same with the adults! He probably couldn't count on Remus,Sirius, Lilly or James now, a really sad thing he had raised them for his needs. He would have to stop this building danger, probably Voldemort was behind all that. He needed to act as fast as possible, he needed his order back and the ministry should be prepared aswell.

Alright, I hope you liked the chapter, hopefully see you in the next. Also sorry it was so short, but it was the last bit I needed for the plot to start, I really hope you will like the plots.
Oh and the uploads will get a bit slower, because I want the next few chapters as good as possible for me. I'm also really eager to finish my first ff soon.

Oh and sorry for the problem that happened while uploading this chapter. It somehow was showed to be online but when I looked again it wasn't there even trought the message got send out, so sorry for that

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