15. Politics

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Lilly Potter was still running and slowly tears started to fall. Trought her blured vision she could already see the bright street with all the people.Thats when suddenly the figure of Molly appeared, ahe held her wand in her hand and looked really angry.
'I see Dumbledore was right as always, little traitors. We should have known sooner you were working for HIM. Why elso would your Family stay unharmed when HE was near.'
Lilly wanted to scream stand up and kill the women before her. But then there was also this voice in her head that told her to get away, but how? Molly lifted her wand and the green light already started building. Lilly tried to shield herself from what would comme, she looked up at Molly until her gaze landed on the ring. That was the moment she remembered and Lilly fastly poured some magic into it, then with a little puff she was gone.

Dumbledore wasn't pleased,not in the least bit. Molly had failed to kill the Potter pair. Dumbledore hadn't even been sure that they switched sites, but they were the only ones he could think of. Next to Sirius and Remus and of course the hole study group. He needed a different approach if his supporters were that weak, maybe he should try it political too. Yes that was a wonderful idea, maybe he should youse Percy for that.

The following morning in the great Hall was pure chaos after the Newspaper  was delivered.
The hole frontpage was covered in with the horrible Article

Founder revive you-know-who!

Yes you read correctly the founders are back and that for some years already. Why they are back? Probably a dark ritual you-know-who did
There is new prof that the founders revived him,like the fact that he visits Hogwarts with them. How that is possible? Easy he called himself Tom Marvelo Riddle, the same name he was born with and what should be even more shocking is the fact that he indeed was able to kill the children of Malfoy and Potter and replace them with the founders. Yes exactly, the biggest war mystery is finally solved! The Potter's were attacked to kill their son. And now we have the next shocking news, James Potter is dead! Did he found out that his son was replaced with Salazar Slytherin and was just killed afterwarts?
For now we have no exact answers, but be prepared and don't trust them!

Written by
Rita Kimmkorn & Percy Weasley

Many heads turned to the Founders and their little group, who all sat at the Slytherin table.
You could see the anger rising and the magic seeing around them.
' Uh,can you calm down?' Goyle tried his best
' Yeah, I think your scaring some people' Carbbbe tried to helb Goyle
' You know what, let's get out of here before we explode, we don't like harming our students!' Row said while stomping out of the hall.
Slowly hel followed while dragging Sal,Drik and  Marv with her.

The founders had held an Emergency meeting after that and the conclusion they  had was to join the wizard Gamot . When they had a public presence they could keep a rather good political standing or atleast that's what they hoped for.  But first they needed to organize a funeral, they had  decided to hold it the next day. After they had all that done they decided to go and calm Lilly and the rest a bit.Maybe also rest themselves a bit.

It was the next big meeting of the wizardgamot, the hole group was still shacken from this disaster but they were all present. The younger ones came with their parents and the rest attended for their seats. The four founders were standing outside eager to finally claim their seats back, they knew those had much power now. They heard the banging for silence showing that the meeting would start now. Sal held three fingers up and slowly started counting down, when he reached zero he blasted the big double doors open.

The four stood there united as one, all wearing clothes in the four house coulers. To say the oufienve was shocked was an understatement, it was one big pandemonium of chaos.
' Quiet! Salazar wants to speak!' Drik yelled and the room slowly calmed down
'Well thanks Drik. Now listen! We the founders of Hogwarts named  Salazar Slytherin'

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