7. Gryffindor House

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Slight trigger warning! This chapter will contain content about the following Themes: Mobbing, slight depression and much wrong and hurtfull behavior. Also a little bit of abuse.

It was one of these evenings again for Drik, he sat there on his bed, curtains closed but still hearing the laughter. It wasn't long before that he ran up the stairs and thew himself into his bed. Now he laid there curled into himself pressing the pillow over his ears trying to stop the sound from reaching them, it didn't work and he broke into silent tears he didn't even notice the silencing charm he automatically put up. You would think the second life of Godrik Would be good and so. To be real it's not, his life was shit, no more like a really big mounten out of shit. First there was this weird barrier with Sal it destroyed him from inside and slowly fed the big hole inside him he had since childhood. This was a real problem because he felt that with everyday the hole grew and his emotions faded. Now Godriks Brain flooded itself with all the bad memory's.

The six year old Draco looked around carefully if his father caught him he would have big problems. It was Draco's mission to bring every dark item he found away maybe also somewhere the ministry would find it. Then this little voice of his that came from behind this barrier he always had and told Draco to hurry up. That's when he heard the steps behind him, Draco knew exactly who that was and he ran, he ran like there was no tomorrow. He knew what his father would do if he got caught and he feared it. Draco wanted to run,run away from his problems and also cursed himself for doing it again. While he ran, all the halls of this cursed manor seemed to move closer and closer. That's when he got pulled up by a cold hand in the neck and Draco cryed, yelled and boxed around but nothing helped to flee the grip of his father. Then he got pulled into the punishment room and Draco just sobbed and hoped it would end soon. That was the day his father gave up on him and Draco knew exactly that his father would never love him never.
That also was the day he started wearing the mask of the perfect pureblood heir.

This was the day he marked as the begin of this strange feeling, this thing that seemed to eat him from inside. The only time he felt anything was when he talked to Sal but even then it didn't disapear. And now Godrik was lying here in his bed looking nothing like the person everyone knew him as in this time.
With all those thought in mind he somehow was able to just go to sleep.

The next morning Drik woke up as early as always and directly prepared for his daily workout. Just as he came out he saw what the others had done yesterday evening, in the commen room hang a big banner with the words ,, Be warry there's a snake in the tower,,
It wasn't the first one before the break there already had been several others. Normaly Drik would give a fuck about it, but he was built a little different since his current childhood. It did hurt pretty bad to know the family you choose for yourself is mistreating you so badly and why? All this shit because he was from a more dark sided house in this life. And where is the problem Sal is from a light house now...

After a really long day Drik was hoping no one would notice him sneaking to his dorm, but wrong it seemed they all were already waiting.
As soon as Drik stepped trought the portrait hole he was circeld by some students, some of them began yelling some things at him and some others just started pushing him around. Drik tryed really hard not to cry or get angry, both wouldn't help. With the first he would show weakness something he absolutely shouldn't show in this situation, the second was also problematic because it would end with students in the infarmery, if not on the graveyard. Drik knew his heart for children was to big, Drik would never hurt a child while conscious. Then Drik imagened Sal, he knew Sal would sceam at him to atleast do some defence. Bit Drik didn't do anything and just waited till it was over. After he just sat there ignored by all in the corner bleeding a little bit from the nose and also crying just a little but still crying.

Sal had noticed that something was wrong with Drik he knew but didn't ask he knew Drik well enaugh to say he would only talk if he was ready for it. But still what is the reason?
And so he started observing all the other students. Then after some days he could definitely say the Gryffindors were a t fault, Sal knew he was lucky because his house left him alone completely. Even when it only was because of this one duel and mainly the inner point system too. Sal also knew there were some in the Gryffindor house theat desperately wanted to help but didn't because they thought themselves alone, weren't Gryffindors supposed to be brave? Sal needed to help Drik he knew it and it also hurt Sal that Drik didn't come to seek help already.

After some days Sal's plan was finally ready to start and if that didn't work it would be a big surprise. But before he needed to ensure one last think and that definitely was Driks mental health, something even Sal lacked in. Cause what do expect from someone who did this things he did, even if the cause were some dumb experiments, do you really expect him not to have a crack in his mind. No of course you can't expect that and if you look at it from this point none of the founders really was sane they weren't back then and they obviously won't be now. A manieck like laugh escaped Sal and if anyone would have been able to hear him they would definitely fear for their lives.

For Drik it was a day like every other  everything was still shit with his house and the people he had deemed family. He knew he would break down soon and a single tear escaped his eye, he knew he needed to tell Sal. That's when he felt a hand on his shoulder and he swirled around and before him stood Sal, that was the moment Drik decided to tell Sal. Then Drik started to cry and Sal just started to hug him, then Drik told him everything except that problem between them, Sal knew as good as Drik that it was there.
' Sal tell me why do they all hate me my new family and also those I choose myself to be family why?' Drik sobbed and hiding his face in Sal's shoulder.
' Drik I'm you family and Row and Hel too.
Also why even care about that upset Brats? Or about this stick in the arse family?'
Sal could feel the little smile Drik had on his lips and just continued
' By really everything, why would the o so big Godrik need those people a wise Drik once said , oh Sal just throw them out of the window if they hurt you!,' Now Drik began to snicker a bit ' And Drik' while Sal said that he took Driks face into his hands and made him look into his eyes' were both so much better and prettyer they're just jealus' Now Drik really started laughing trought his tears, then he quickly jumped up while wiping his tears away
' Alright Sal what's the plan you smile sais you have one' Then as Sal explained his plain both began to smile a smile that just screamed bonkers and their following laugh was no different.

It was Saturday morning  when they finally the plan began, everyone was still in the commen  room when Drik came down the stars hiding a red envelope behind his back. Then when someone noticed him they screamed and immediately all heads turned into Driks direction, when a red haired boy tried to push him Drik ripped the envelope open and immediately there was silence. Everyone immediately knew it was a houler but when they heard who it was from they all chocked.
' Hello you stuckup brats it's me Godrik Gryffindor if you don't believe it here is the magic seal and now listen! How dare you treat one of your own like that?! And why is no one stepping up against it you all are brave at haert I know it because it was decided for you to be here! If I where there you all would get some good detencion! But now I come to punishment  because that kind of behavior can't stay unpunished! I hearby expell the following students forever and without any return option:
Ronald Weasly and Percy Weasly  I found out it was you too who started this hole shit.Go pack your things! Now! The rest of you DETENTION! For a hole month or longer the exercises will follow and they will be sent to you head of house. And now I hope you Apologize IF NOT YOU ALL WILL FLY OUT OF HERE!!!'
Then the houler ripped itself apart and left behind a hole room of silent people, a room full of people that knew the fucked up but some knew what would happen now and decided to help this time. That's when it started
' MALFOY- POTTER how dare you!' Ron shouted
' Oh stop it' ' Ronald, our dear' ''Brother''
Both twins said in their normal speach pattern while taking Drik and hiding him behind their baks. ' Yes Weasly you heard it,your expelled something that's even worse then to be killed'
A girl with bushy brown hair said.
' What do you know, Know-it-all?Just shut up you shitty Mudblood!'Ron shouted while attempting to punch her but failing miserably.
And with that sentence Ronald was trought the Lou for every Gryffindor.

Alright that's it for the chapter. Puh finally finished this one was really hard to write but I don't know why, alright maybe I'm not that good with writing feelings but it was needed.
I just hope you liked the chapter and see you in the next I hope

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