16. Preperation

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It had been some days since the founders claimed their  castle back. Until now many students and teachers left the school.
And there was an always rising number of reports that said the ministry prepered for a war. Until now all 19 from the former twenty moved into the castle, throught that action they were save but it was also obvious they supported the founders.

Two days later everyone except the 19 left the castle and they knew it wasn't much time left until the war broke out, all that was needed was a little spark.

' Alright guys' Sal said at Breakfast 'If I am correct we have around a month to prepare for the battle. I already have some strategies, but before we discuss them we need to prepare some stuff. At first we are going to teach you all and each other, the timetables are already finished. You will soon notice that some things will be different, but see for yourself. Now please excuse me I need to prepare the first lesson for today' with that he stood and walked out of the hall, his cape blowing after him with such grace that  even Sev became envious.

Some time later  the group sat in the Forrest, just like Sal had instructed.
' Alright you all, we will now perform a ritual to bring you all to the best possible magic capacity. We can't perform the original one, because Row, Hel, Drik and me already did it, that's also the reason we are back to our original looks. But before we start I will give you some important informations. Please listen I won't reapeat' Sal took a deep breath and then started ' Good, let's start with the foundation, Magic. It doesn't have a form or anything like that,if we know that then how can we store it in our magical cores or even feel it, even weirder youse it to our will.' Sal sighted and looked around again, he knew this information was dangerous. Back then it had been one of the reasons he started experimenting, but it wasn't a big danger atleast for the others. Sal felt the worrying glance Drik gave him or the nervous look from Hel, they knew what it meant when he brought this up. They would be on hight alert around him, but Sal knew it was too late he already did an experiment and he needed to look into this thing further. He quickly shook his head and then continued 'Alright it's like that, magic is literal life essence. Some are born with more of it, those are called squibs. Then there are those that can reload their own essence, while taking the magic from nature, those are wizards. The essence is all around us where ever we go, but in areas with many plants like here the reload works even faster. And there is so much essence around that even those with a normal amount also called muggles can feel it.'
There had been quite a few gasps while Sal told all of this but no one dared to really interrupt him.

' Now let's look at what we call magical core. I found out it's a place evryone chooses for themselves but not willingly, at birth the overflowing essence that belongs to the child tries to stay with it,that's why it often places itself somewhere in the body. From this choosen point we lead the magic trough our body. It's as easy as that. So if we know where this place is we can youse it. Now to the next point the place is often passed down with genes so it's likely that two of the same blood have similar places. As an example the Slytherin line is known for the parseltunge ability.'

Some nooded while others tried to understand what shocking revelations Sal made.He literally just told them that they  go around shooting away life essence, but still no one dared to interrupt this lesson it was just too important.
' This ability comes from the fact that most of my line store the exess energy in the tongue, that's how this ability came to be. But let's look at another example' Sal looked around, untill he smiled at Helga ' Yes let's take you for example. Hel here has her essence stored in her right thumb, an ability that manifested for her is something with plants. I don't know the name I think I forgot it again. Oh no right it was plant caretaker or something. But let's go back to facts, if people with the same storage place get a child it will be the only availebale place, at first that isn't bad and nothing big will happen. But if we do this again and again the place won't be as good anymore. So now look at blood purety believs and tell me it's right.
Now we can go to Muggleborns, with them there is no place and that results in a new completely free choosing process. That's why we need Muggleborns.'

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