Menstrual Rage

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Me and Damian have a tag team match tonight against Austin Theory and Sonya Deville. With Finn, Dominik and Rhea by our side.

"Are you gonna be okay for tonight? "
Damian asked.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I just hope my menstrual rage won't make me lose my match." I said.

"Menstrual rage?" Damian asked in a curious way.

"Yeah, it means if you ever get on my crazy side, run for your life. Which is why I keep a stress meter." I said.

Stress meter colors:
Green: Great
Yellow: Good
Orange: OK
Red: Uh Oh
Dark Red: Menstrual rage

"I just hope that if this happens, we're all gonna have to hide." Finn said.

"I'm with you on that one." Rhea said.

"Same here, Mami." Dominik said.

"And I'm gonna be the one to calm her down." Damian said.

Judgment Day entrance music starts playing as we head onto the ring. The crowd cheered for us.

Austin Theory and Sonya's entrance music played.

The bell rings, me and Sonya lock up and then I slammed her down to the mat, causing her to stun.

I gave her a kick to the face, then me and Sonya tagged in.

Damian gave Austin Theory a hard punch to the face, and threw him down on the mat.

Finn, Dominik and Rhea cheered us on as they were giving Austin Theory a Judgment Day beating when the ref wasn't looking.

Austin Theory got back in the ring, all dizzy and confused.

Sonya got back in the ring, but I stopped her with a bridge pin, and got the victory for the Judgment Day.

But it wasn't over, Sonya attacked me from behind, and hit me with a kendo stick.

I stood up magically healing myself, and happened.


Rhea: Oh no!

Dominik: It's happening!

Finn: Oh my God!

Damian: It's the...

Judgment Day: Menstrual Rage!

My wings magically appear as I was chasing Sonya, then my eyes turned fully pink, like I was possessed, but Judgment Day had to hold me down.

"Luna please, you have to calm down!" Rhea said, terrified.

"Please Luna, get a hold of yourself!" Dominik said.

"Pull yourself together, lass!" Finn said.

Damian started petting my head, causing me to make purring noises.

"It's ok Luna sweetheart, I'm right here." Damian said in a calming tone.

"Did I...unleash my menstrual rage?" I asked.

"Yeah, you did." Damian said.

"Oh my goodness, Sonya I'm so sorry." I said.

"It's ok Luna, I'm sorry for attacking you." Sonya said.

"That's ok." I said.

Me and Sonya hugged it out.

I yawned, and got tired.

"Damian, can you take me to my locker room? I need to lay down." I said.

"Of course, sweetheart." Damian said.

Damian picked me up bridal style as he walks me back into the locker room. He takes out his blanket, and places it on me.

"Judgment Day will get you anything you need." Damian said.

"I'll get some feminine products." Dominik said.

"I'll get the cookies and cream ice cream." Finn said.

"And I'll get some chocolate." Rhea said.

"Take a nap, darling." Damian said, giving me a forehead kiss.

"Ok honey." I said, yawning.

"I love you." Damian said.

"I love you too." I said

Damian gave me a forehead kiss as I drifted off to sleep.

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