Watch Along

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I was watching backstage as Damian and Finn celebrated their title win, then I had a talk with Rhea and Dom.

"Hey Dom, sorry you got ejected tonight." I said.

"It's fine, I'm just happy that Finn and Damian won." Dominik said.

"So Rhea, how does it feel to be back in your hometown?" I asked.

"It feels great, and now I can finally say that...Mami's home to where she belongs." Rhea said.

"Hey guys." Finn said.

"Hi sweetie." Damian said.

"Hi darling, congrats on your win tonight." I said, giving Damian a kiss.

"How's Lucy doing?" Dominik asked.

"Still sleeping on Shotzi's lap, which is so cute." I said.

Tyler and Pete walk in.

"Hey guys." Tyler and Pete said.

"Hey guys, y'all okay?" I asked 

"Eh, I've felt better before." Tyler said.

"Same here, but a little numb." Pete said.

We all sat down on separate couches.

"Man, I'm so hungry I don't know what to eat." Damian said.

"I gotcha Terror Twin. I wish for a giant stuffed crust pepperoni pizza." Rhea said.

The pizza poofed right in front of us, and then we all dug in.

Then we drank Diet Dr. Pepper to wash it down.

Tyler had the vegan pizza.

"Oh man, that hit the spot, I thought I was gonna die of starvation there." Damian said.

As our stomachs began to settle for a few minutes, we were watching the Men's elimination chamber match.

"Man, that must really hurt going through tons of steel like that." I said.

"You're telling me, It hurts like crazy." Damian said.

"Even I don't wanna be in a pod, I might get claustrophobic!" Dominik said, covering his eyes.

Rhea gave Dominik head scratches causing him to start purring.

"Jesus christ, that's gonna leave a mark!" Tyler said.

"Even I'm getting goosebumps watching this." Pete said.

Bobby Lashley has been eliminated.

"Man, this match is bonkers." Rhea said.

"Tell me about it." Finn said.

AJ Styles attacks LA Knight and has been eliminated.

"Where the heck did AJ Styles come from? He's not in the match." Dominik said.

"He's just doing what he does." Finn said.

Kevin Owens has been eliminated.

As the match goes on, three wrestlers are still going at it.

"Oh man, this is getting intense." Pete said.

Logan Paul has been eliminated.

And then there were two left: Drew McIntyre and Randy Orton.

"This is completely insane!" Damian said.

"I know, Randy's back is already giving out." Rhea said.

Logan Paul hits Orton with brass knuckles.

Drew McIntyre pins Randy Orton, and gets the win.

"Man, that was bloody amazing!" Rhea said.

"Sure was, I was shaking with excitement." Tyler said.

"Well Rhea, it's time for your moment. Show Nia Jax why Mami is always on top, and you give her the beating she deserves." I said.

"Oh, I will. She'll never know what hit em. Do you know why?" Rhea asked.

"Because Mami is always on top." Everyone said.

Rhea's music started playing as she walked towards the entrance to the ring, she was so happy to be back home.

Nia's music started playing as she started walking to the ring, staring down at Rhea.

"Go get her Mami, show Nia what you're made of!" Dominik said.

"Take it easy." Damian and I said.

"Tranquilo, Dominik." Finn said.

"Man, this is gonna be one heck of a match." Tyler said.

Everyone was chanting "Mami" which made Rhea so happy.

"Come on Rhea, you can do this." Dominik

Nia was going after Rhea like a ragdoll. But that didn't stop Rhea from backing down.

"I pray that she will win." I said.

Nia Jax Samoan drops Rhea on the announce table.

Rhea still fights back by using her healing powers.

Dominik is covering his eyes as we all held him.

Rhea ends it with a riptide and gets the win.

"Thank goodness it's over." Dominik said, relieved.

Rhea came back to the locker room, and we gave her a big group hug.

"We're so proud of you, Mami." Dominik said.

"Thanks, I've couldn't have done it without you guys." Rhea said.

We all took showers, got dressed and headed back to the group house.

"Hey guys." Shotzi said.

"Hey Shotzi. Where's Lucy?" I asked.

"She's in bed asleep." Shotzi said.

"Thanks for taking care of her." I said.

"No problem. We should get some shut-eye." Shotzi said.

"Indeed." Tyler said.

We all changed into our pj's and went straight to bed.

"Goodnight everyone." I said.

"Goodnight Luna." Everyone said.

We all drifted off to sleep.

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