Rest and Relaxation

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As I was headed to the living room, I started using my powers to clean up the whole house.

"Whoa Luna, thanks for cleaning up around here." Rhea said.

"Yeah, this place looks completely spotless." Finn said.

"Hey Dom, I made you some chicken tenders, and I add a little something inside them." I said.

Dominik took a bite of the chicken tender, and he was surprised.

"There's ranch inside the tenders! Luna, you're a genius." Dominik said.

"Thanks, I try. Oh and Rhea, I left you a Tim Tams brownie in the fridge from outback." I said.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you Luna, I love Tim Tams!" Rhea said.

"Damian, I have a surprise for you!" I said.

"What is it?" Damian asked.

"Well, I was watching one of your interviews, and you said that you love dogs, and your spirit animal is a penguin, so I got you a little bit of both." I said.

I gave Damian a present, and when he opened it, it was a puppy in a penguin suit.

"Oh my God, it's so cute! 😍 Thank you sweetheart!" Damian said, excitedly

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"Oh my God, it's so cute! 😍 Thank you sweetheart!" Damian said, excitedly.

"I'm so glad you guys like the stuff I gave you, and there will be plenty more to come." I said.

We all magically made a fort, and watched The Pioneer Woman.

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