First word

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It was morning, and as we all started to wake up, we get to hear Lucy say her first word. (Lucy is 6 months old)

"Good morning sweetheart." I said, yawning.

"Good morning darling." Damian said, giving me a kiss.

We brushed our teeth and washed our faces while Shotzi and Tyler was making breakfast.

"Aw man, it smells so good." Dominik said.

"I just love eggs." Finn said.

"Btw Tyler, congrats on you and Pete winning last night on smackdown." I said.

"Thanks Luna, I appreciate it." Tyler said.

"You're welcome. Speaking of which, where's the little bruiserweight?" I asked.

"Here I am." Pete said. (Pete has cat ears, tail and Orange cat eyes)

"Pete! So good to see you." I said, giving Pete a hug.

"Luna, you're not gonna believe this." Dakota said, holding Lucy.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Lucy just said her first word!" Dakota said, excitedly.


Lucy spoke for the first time, and tears started flowing down to my cheeks, and everyone was so surprised.

"We're such great parents." Damian said.

"Yes we are." I said.

Everyone started celebrating and dancing.

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