First Birthday

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It was morning, as everyone started to wake up, brushed their teeth and washed their faces as we headed to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Today is Lucy's birthday, and we had an idea to throw her a surprise party.

"So guys, what's the theme for Lucy's birthday?" I asked

"Mermaid party." Dominik said.

"That's a great idea, Dom Dom." Rhea said.

"It's gonna be adorable." Finn said.

"I like the sound of that." JD said.

"Me too." Damian said.

Everyone put up decorations and wore Mermaid and merman costumes for the party.

Shotzi and Tyler led Lucy outside to the patio to see her surprise.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Lucy!" Everyone shouted.

Lucy was so happy that she loved the decorations and cake.

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We had so much fun as the sun started to set, Lucy fell asleep as she had the best birthday of her life

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We had so much fun as the sun started to set, Lucy fell asleep as she had the best birthday of her life.

"She sure had a fun time tonight." Shotzi said.

"She sure did. Bless her heart." Tyler said.

"Man, am i exhausted from all that line dancing, pretty good exercise though." Finn said.

"Tell me about it, I'm ready to hit the hay and call it a day." Rhea said.

"You said it, mami." Dominik said.

"Goodnight everyone." I said.

"Goodnight." Everyone said.

We all took showers, put on our pj's, brushed our teeth and drifted off to sleep.

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