Post 1x19

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Chris POV

The guys were all yelling and saying things that sounded far away. But I couldn't really hear them.

Suddenly my eyes snapped open gasping for air. All the guys are around me telling me to breath.

"You good?" Luca asked "Stupid Question I guess."

"Don't do that again. Please" Hondo said.

"Ambulance is here." Tan said.

I tried sitting up and tried telling them I was fine and didn't need the Ambulance. But it was a losing battle.

Deacon POV

The paramedics looked Chris over and got her ready for transport to the hospital.

"Anyone coming with?" Ome paramedic asked

"Yeah. I will." I said to them and then turning to Hondo. "I'll let you know. Meet you guys there."

Chris looked at me and pulled the oxygen mask off her face. She said, "Thanks."

"For what?" I asked

"Coming with me." She said. Her voice still sounded a little raspy. Her face still red with being sprayed with the chemical. It probably hurt like hell.

"Oh. You don't have to thank me. The guys are all coming down to the hospital too once they get done at HQ." I said "I can see if Annie will bring you something if you want."

"Okay." She said lifting the mask off her face again "She doesn't have to come."

"Please. The second she heard she called a sitter and is on her way." I said to Chris "And keep that mask on your face."

"Im fine." She said pulling the mask off her face again "I was revived before the time was up."

"We barely made it under the window." I said grabbing her hand to put the mask back down on her face "Keep that on there."

"Okay Dad." She grumbled

"Exactly. You are basically my first kid. So keep the mask on your face." I said.

The Ambulance stopped at the hospital and the doors opened.

We were greeted by doctors and hospital staff.

"Officer Female thirty, hit with VX poison gas. Under the effects for around eight minutes. Successfully revived by officers on the scene." The paramedics said to the doctors "Superficial burns to the left side of her face. BP holding steady in the field. Patient is alert and responsive."

The doctors nodded as we moved unto the hospital.

They got Chris moved to a bed and the paramedics left the room leaving me, Chris and the doctors and nurses.

I was still holding Chris's vest and other items while standing next to her while they examined her.

"Chris. Mask." I said

She grumbled something in Mexican that based off her tone I'm guessing was swear words.

"Lungs are slightly conjested. I want to do some tests to make sure there's nothing there that is lasting effects from this." The doctor said "I'll be back in a bit to give you the results."

Chris nodded and I thanked the doctor on his way out. I turned back to Chris 
"The rest of the team should be here soon." I said

"They don't have to come. You can go home to Annie and the kids."

"Everyone's coming to make sure you are okay." I said

"Im fine." She said exasperated.

Time skip for the doctor

The doctor came back in "Alright Officer Alonso. You are lucky. The medicine was administered in time before it went to your heart. The congestion in your lungs is not something I'm concerned with. Your stats are good." The doctor said

"Does that mean I'm good to get out of here?" Chris asked

"Yes. I'm letting you out of here soon. However, just for tonight. As a precaution because of the meds I am giving you just to cover all the bases, I don't want you to be alone tonight. Have someone stay at your place or go to someone else's place. The meds the first night will take a toll on you. This is just for the first night. After that you are good." The doctor said.

"What about work?" Chris asked

"Take tomorrow off. You'll be back to full duty the day after tomorrow." The doctor said "I see no reason with your stats being this good to keep you off active duty."

"Got it. Thanks Doc." Chris said smiling to herself

"No problem officer. I'll be back soon with your discharge papers. And the prescription orders for you." The doctor said in his way out the door.

"That's good news eh?" I said to Chris

She didn't get a chance to answer before the guys started pouring in the room.

"Hey! Chris how are you?" Tan asked first

"Doctors springing me out of here in a few. Be back to work day after tomorrow." Chris said smiling.

"That's great Chris." Hondo said

"I called your Aunt and Uncle. Told them you are okay. They said they'd call you and check up on you later." Street said.

"The doctor wants someone to stay with her tonight." I said,"precautionary measures. After that. She's all good."

"I was just going to call my aunt and uncle and stay at their place tonight." Chris said

"Nonsense. You can stay with one of us for tonight." Hondo said "Or one of us can stay at your place."

"Annie said you could come stay with us for the night." I said "The kids were excited about that."

"I can stay at your place with you." Street offered

"Me too." Tan said

"Family night at Chris's place?" Luca asked

"What do you say Eh?" Street said

"Im clearly not going to win this one. So fine." Chris said

"That's my girl." Luca said

Chris rolled her eyes and said "Don't make me press the button and get the nurses here to kick you out."

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