First Female Swat

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Chris POV

All I can do is stare at that screen. All the time. Whatever I'm doing I have an eye on that screen. Any minute now they're gonna put those results on that screen.

I know I did good. Hell I was excellent. Much better than the others that's for sure.

After that incident with my clothes and the shower.

If they could put the results up before I drive myself nuts. That would be great.

Hondo POV

"That female recruit. She's been staring at that screen nonstop." Luca said

"Can you blame her? If she gets on that screen she'll be the first female swat officer in the LAPD." I said

"Nah. Can't blame her. If she makes it, I bet she comes to our squad." Deacon said

"Probably." Luca said "Heard she's an awesome sniper."

"Yeah. I heard that too." I said "Hell of a cop."

"Oh. Results are up." Deacon said

Chris POV

I wasn't paying attention. I was beating the crap out of a punching bag when someone said congratulations to me.

I stopped and turned to them

"What are you talking?" I started to say when I saw it.

Officer Christina Alanso. My picture made the five recruits for the year. And I was number one.

Immediately I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief when the commander came out of no where

"Congratulations to Officer Alanso! For being the first Female member of LAPD swat. Congratulations." Commander Hicks said

"Thank you sir." I said

"You'll be on 20 squad. Under Team Leader Buck and his team." Commander Hicks told me

"Welcome to twenty squad officer." Buck said

I smiled and said my Thank yous and everything else.

I left the office that day with a large smile on my face knowing I did it.

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