Aunt Chris

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The Kay children would always come to Chris with problems they weren't sure with how to bring up to their parents. And well. This is no exception.


Narrator POV

From time to time Lilah, Mathew, Samuel and Victoria would call their aunt Chris to talk about anything. It could have been anything from asking if they could spend the day with her. Teaching them different things that the aunt is supposed to teach them.

One day. Chris got a phone call from Lilah in hysterics and she needed her help.

Chris POV

When I got the call from Lilah. I immediately went to pick her up. She got in the car. The fifteen year olds Eyes all red and puffy. That Immediately raised a red flag with me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"I don't want to talk about it." Lilah said back

"You called me. Remember? Now. I always enjoy spending time with you kiddo. But you gotta tell me what's going on. Do you want your mom and dad?" I asked

"No!" Lilah exclaimed then promptly bursting into tears again

I grabbed a thing of tissues and handed them to her.

"Lilah. Lilah. Slow down. Take a breath. Relax. Slow down. Gather your thoughts. And talk to me." I said

"I got dumped!" Lilah whaled

"By who?" I asked "I didn't even know you had a boyfriend."

"That's the thing Aunt Chris. It wasn't a boy." Lilah said

Oh. I thought. I put two and two together real quick and realized Lilah got her heart broken by a girl. Now it made sense why she called Me.

"Hey. Listen. It'll be okay. You want to know how I know. You have the biggest heart. You care for people so deeply. If she doesn't appreciate you. Then she's not it for you." I said

"But you don't understand." Lilah said

I cut her off and kept going "You know what I do understand. You are a sweet kid. And guess what? This is your first heart break. And Yeah. It sucks. But guess what. Eventually. It won't even matter."

"You think?" Lilah asked

"Yeah I do. You wanna know how I know?" I said

She nodded wiping her eyes.

"Because you are young sweetheart. You are only fifteen. And you have your whole life ahead of you. You're gonna date. That's just what it is. At some point you're gonna have your heart broken again. But it happens. It doesn't mean your weak. It just means your human." I said

"Thank you." She said

"I also take it. The reason you called me is because it was a girl who broke your heart and you didn't tell your parents you were seeing a girl?" I asked shooting right for the point

She nodded without saying anything.

"You know they probably already know." I said

"No. They dont." She said

"Lilah. They are your parents. They love you. They've been there for you since the day you were born. You were a baby when I met you. I remember seeing your mom and dad with you. They love you." I said

"But. Our religion." She started

"Oh. Stop right there. That doesn't mean that they will stop loving you. They are very supportive. They're your mom and dad. They'll love you no matter what." I said "And besides. Parents usually know these things anyways."

"Did yours?" Lilah asked

"Well. They passed before I got the chance to tell them." I said "But I think they knew."

"Oh. So I probably should tell tjem right? Lilah asked

"Probably. Theyll want to help you overcome this experience. They'll be with you no matter what." I said

"Okay. I'm ready to go back home now." Lilah said

"Good. Because I promised your sister and brother I'd stop by anyways." I said

The car started driving. The two sat in silence for a few minutes into the drive. When the oldest Kay daughter looked at her Aunt Chris.

"Hey. Aunt Chris?" Lilah asked

"Yeah?" I said

"Thanks." She said

"Anytime." I said back

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