One Step at a time

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Seeing as we don't get any like future Stris moments like a baby or a wedding. I thought this one would be cute. And this one Chris didn't leave the team

Annie POV

I dropped the kids off at school. I got a surprising phone call after I dropped the kids off. I picked up my cell I saw it was Chris who was calling me.

"Hey Chris. Is everything Okay?" I asked

I knew That The squad had the day off. So something is off when Chris called me that's for sure.

"Hey Annie. I uh. I need some help." Chris said clearly panicked about something

"Whats wrong? Is it Street?" I asked

"No. Um. He's fine. It's me. Can you meet me at 12th and Lincoln. That pharmacy right there. I'll text you the address" she said

"Is everything Okay?" I asked

"I uh. I don't know yet." She said weirdly nervous about something

"Okay. I'll be right there." I said "Stay calm."

With that I hung up the phone.


I arrived at the pharmacy where I saw Chris outside pacing looking terrified to sat the least.

I got out of my car and I said to Chris "Hey are you okay?"

Chris stopped pacing and she turned to me completely freaked out. I don't think she realized what she was about to say before she said it.

"Im late." She blurted out rapidly

"What?" I asked

"Im late." She said slower

After having four kids I knew what she was talking about.

"How late?" I asked calmly

"I don't know. About a week. I'm not entirely sure. I'm freaking out here. I didn't know what else to do. You were the first person I thought of." Chris rambled

"Okay. Okay. Just stop. Slow down." I said "Take a breath."

I took a breath with Chris to get her to take one too.

"It's Okay you called. Did you take a test?" I asked

"No. I haven't been able to walk in the pharmacy. I got here. I could not walk in." Chris said "Im a freaking cop. I can't bring myself to walk into a freaking pharmacy."

"Hey. It's okay. I remember being so freaked out when I found out about Lilah. And she wasn't even our first. Every single kid I was nervous." I said

"Deacon was the calm one?" She asked

"After the first one. He was definitely the calmer one with each one. But that's not the point. You don't know if you are yet. I'll get you the test. Then you'll take it. Find out. If it's positive then I'll help you come up with a plan. If it's negative. Then you don't have to worry about a plan." I said

"Okay. Thank you." She said

I walked into the pharmacy and grabbed her a test. I paid for it and walked back outside where Chris was still nervous but she was able to calm herself down some.

"Im assuming Street doesn't know your here?" I asked

"Hes surfing with Luca." She said "I didn't want to tell Jim until I had something to tell him."

"I understand." I said handing Chris the bag. "Alright. It's all in there. Let's go back to my house and do this. Okay? More privacy. The kids are at school and Deacons at a private security meeting till later." I turned and saw Chris get into her car

"Don't panic until you know for sure." I said "I'll meet you at my house."

She nodded and hopped into her jeep.

Time skip to Annie and Deacons

"It's done." Chris said setting the capped test and box down on the counter

"Okay. Now we wait." I said "Come sit on the couch. Time won't move faster while you stare at that."

Chris sat down and immediately started talking "What am I going to do if that's positive Annie? Im not a mother. I can't be someone's Mom. I had a crappy mom. My mom was a drunk. I was raised by my aunt and uncle because my parents were terrible. I can't. I can't do that to a kid. I'm a cop. Jim's a cop. The odds of one of us not making it home one day are high. I can't do that to a baby. Losing one or both of your parents is not something I want to happen for a kid." She said stopping for a breath "Street. We haven't even discussed kids. We're barely a year into dating. We aren't married. We both had crappy childhoods growing up. I can't do this."

"Chris. If anyone can do this. It's you and Jim. All this fear you have. It could all be for nothing. You could not be pregnant. The test should be done any second. I can look and tell you if you need me to." I said

She nodded "Please." She said

I walked over to the counter and saw that bag that the test was sitting on. When it caught my eye. It's positive.

"You want good news or bad news first?" I asked

"Why?" She said

"Well. I'm sure the other guys may consider killing Jim for this one." I said "It's positive."

"What?" She said

"Yeah. It's positive." I said

She stared at the test and I could see her mind moving faster and faster

"Okay. Here's exactly whats going to happen. I'm going to help you come up with a way to tell Jim. Okay? Then we will discuss how you want to tell the rest of the guys. One step at a time. One step at a time." I said

"One step at a time." She said "Okay. I can do this. I can tell Street. Then maybe this will make me freak out less."

"Exactly." I said "I have an idea. But we have to move fast. The kids will be dropped off by the bus soon and their Deacon is almost done at his meeting."

Time Skip

Chris's apartment evening

Chris POV

"Hey Chris. How was your day? The surfing. It was awesome." Street said entering my apartment

"That's great. I uh got you something." I said from the other room "It's in the bag on the counter."


"It's in the bag on the counter." Chris yelled from the other room

"Oh. Okay. Did I miss something?" I  asked worriedly

"No. You didn't. I just wanted to get you something." She yelled back

"Okay." I said

I opened the bag when I pulled out a small baby outfit that said "LAPD SWAT" across it. It looked like a baby swat uniform we wear every day. Then I pulled out a small stuffed bear and it said "Daddys LAPD partner" and at the bottom of the bag was a positive test.

"Chris?" I yelled

She walked out into the living room.

"Are you serious?" I asked

She started crying "Yeah." She said "Im serious."

Immediately I went and grabbed her and pulled her into a hug lifting her off the ground

"I can't believe it!" I said so excited

"Me either." She said still crying a little

"You know what this means don't you?" I said "Our kid is going to be really cute."

"You also know what happens next don't you?" She asked

"We have to tell the team?" I asked

She nodded.

"A SWAT baby!" I exclaimed

"Sure. A swat baby."

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