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This is another 1x19 one shot.

Chris POV

Man. This sucks. Waiting to be discharged from the hospital. I mean. I don't regret doing what I did. I saved her life. She got to live to continue her fight.

I mean. Yeah. I turned out alright after being hit with the posion. The guys saved my life.

Deacon and Luca made it in time to get the medicine into my heart before it was to late. The doctors told the guys that the reason I'm still here is because they got it in My system in time.

My phone rings snapping me out of my thoughts.

I see that it's Hondo

"Hey! Chris! How are you?" Hondo asked

"Im fine. They're gonna discharge me soon. How'd her meeting go with her source?" I asked

"Good. Really good. They're letting you go soon?" He asked

"Yeah. All my tests came back okay and they're willing to let me go." I said

"You got a ride home?" He asked "I can come get you and take you to your place."

"It's all good boss. Deacon and Luca are still here. They're gonna take me home." I said "I made Street and Tan go home. They were bouncing off the walls."

"Alright Chris. I'm glad your good." Hondo said

"Me too boss. See you tomorrow." I said then hanging up the phone

"Hey Chris. You ready to go?" Luca asked when he and Deacon walked into the room.

"They got my discharge papers?" I asked

"Yep. They need you to sign one form and then you are good to go." Deacon said

"Okay." I said getting up and starting to walk when they stopped me

"Um. What are you doing?" Luca asked "You have to ride in this." Luca said gesturing to the wheelchair

"Proper protocol." Deacon said

I knew that there was a chance they were messing around. But I didn't care.

"Whatever gets us out of here quicker. Then I don't care what I leave this place in." I said "Drive me home in Betty for all I care."

They laughed as I sat down in the chair and Deacon grabbed the handles and started to push me out of the hospital.

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