The article

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Street POV

When I was reading this mornings paper I saw a story I was surprised to see. It was about Chris. She was attacked as a teenager. She never told us.

I tried calling her and she didn't pick up. Luckily we had work so I'd see her there.

She didn't show up then either.

"Has anyone talked to Chris?" I asked

"She asked for the day off." Hondo said

"Why?" I said

"She Uh. She wanted to have the day to herself. She said. She needed time." Hondo said

"Im gonna call her again." I said

"I wouldn't. She's not going to answer." Deacon said "Atleast not today."

"What does that mean?" Tan asked

"She said she wanted time. She asked if Hondo and I could make her Disappear for the day. So thats exactly what we did. She's untraceable. There's only two people in the world who know where she is." Deacon said "And that's Hondo and myself."

"Shouldn't she be around her friends and family?" I asked kind of irritated

"Her aunt and uncle didn't know until fairly recently. But they know now. Street, They understand that she needs this." Hondo said

"How do we know She's not going to do anything stupid?" I asked

"Chris? Doing something stupid? Come on man." Luca said "Even if I don't love the fact that she's in hiding. I know Chris would never do anything stupid."

"All she needed was the day. Deacon is picking her up tonight. She asked to have time for herself. So we gave it to her." Hondo said

"I understand that. She needs her space. She told the paper something she's been hiding for a while." Luca said

"Yeah." Tan said

"Ah. That's crazy. She should be around people who love and support her." Street said

"They only did what she asked Street." Tan said

"She's alright Street. She's checking in with me constantly." Hondo said

"I can trace her phone." I said

"No. You can't. She doesn't have it." Hondo said

"You said she's checking in with you constantly." I said

"I didn't say she was texting me." Hondo said

"Chris has many talents. Man, she's an excellent cop. She knows what she wants. And this is what she wants." Luca said

"You just have to respect it for the day." Deacon said

I could see they did agree with me that this was an insane idea she's got. But she's anything if not rational. She's checking in with Hondo.

Deacon and Hondo only did what she asked them to do. That's really all that can be said.

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