Chapter 2 - time travel and the decision

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Merlin appeared in front of the founders holding the child close to him under his cloak. Helga was the first to notice the man. "Merlin, what brings you here? I thought you were watching Dumbledore?"

Merlin sighed deeply "I was, unfortunately he made a mistake that would cost the wizarding world their lives." He gently unwraps Harry from his cloak and shows him to the founders. "Dumbledore made the current dark lord kill the Potters and their son. For some reason little Harry lives to tell the tale of survival, however he wants Harry gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone he's a baby what can he do to harm anyone!" Helga was furious. How dare he try and kill an innocent little baby!

"He knows how powerful Harry is, under the right guidance he will become the most powerful wizard in the world. Dumbledore cannot have someone outshine his power so he wanted the magic beaten out of him by his aunt and uncle of his mother's side." Merlin cradled Harry closer as he began to wake expecting him to start crying. Harry however just looked and him and grabbed onto his beard before falling back to sleep.

"We can't let that happen, we have to keep him here! I will not let you take him anywhere else" Helga was adamant even if she has never looked after a baby before.

"That's what I was hoping for, I do not have the time to look after him every day of the week so I need to ask you all a favour to look after him until he turns 11."

"Of course we will merlin, we can't have him living his life with abuse" Salazar jumped in joining the conversation. There was mumbles of agreement to keep Harry in the past for his safety.

"Okay that's settled then he will stay here. I have already asked the castle for a room connected to all of your rooms for little Harry. I'll see you soon"

Merlin tried to remove Harry's hand from his beard but the baby had a tight grip on him. He passed him to Salazar and once he unravelled his fingers he placed them in Sal's beard "have fun." He apparated away leaving Salazar with the clingy child who now has a tighter grip on his beard than he did Merlin's.

"That damn man, I can't get his hand off!"

Godric and Rowena sat there giggling to themselves as they watched him struggle. "Good luck Sal I think he's stuck in there until he wakes up" Godric couldn't keep the laugh out of his voice.

Once Harry woke up to all of the noise Salazar detached the small hands from his beard and put them on his new blanket before placing him in his dark oak crib.

"Goodnight my little snake" he rubbed his thumb over his lightning scar carefully before leaving and closing the door, placing a monitoring spell to know when he wakes up.

"He's sleeping now."

A/N another part done. Please vote and comment your thoughts and ideas.

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