Shopping trip with Snape part 1

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If it wasn't for the tight hold Severus had on Harry the poor boy would have kissed the ground, hard. It seems that apparation is a lot worse than time travel.

Once the sickness had finally passed, Harry nodded to Snape to let the man know. He let go of the boy and guided him into the leaky cauldron to start the shopping process.
Many people turned to stare at the boy-who-lived but they didn't dare approach with the dungeon bat standing next to him. Harry was uncomfortable under the critical stares but was grateful that no one got to close to him.

Snape took Harry to the back of the pub and showed him the combination of bricks that needed to be tapped to access diagon alley. Paying close attention, Harry stored the memory close to the front of his mind for easy access later on.

"Harry, you are to stay at my side for this shopping trip. I t would do you no good to wonder about with your... status here."

He had to remind himself that he was supposed to be oblivious about wizards and his fame, it wouldn't help if he suddenly knew what his status was without Snape explicitly telling him about it. The man is after all a spy, he'd know something wasn't right with his upbringing given he knows petunia to be one of the worst types of muggle.

"My status sir? What do you mean by that?" He looked up as innocently as possible without over doing it.

"I'll tell you about it once we get back to mine Harry, it isn't something I wish to discuss so publicly."

The boy nodded and looked around diagon alley, it seems not much has changed other than a few new shops and obviously different owners and workers than the last time he was here.

Harry took out his shopping list that Merlin shoved into his pocket before he left and scanned the items.
He frowned at the lack of classes they had to buy stuff for. The curriculum sure has changed from the founders time, no wonder the pureblood despise muggles and muggleborns when they do not learn the customs of the wizarding world during their time at Hogwarts. Luckily the founders taught him all the traditions and Merlin brought it up to date with the current world.

Snape sighed and nudged the boy to take him out of his day dream and start shopping. He didn't not want to be around the dunderheads he usually teaches longer than he has to be. Fortunately, a nudge was all Harry needed to start moving and scouting the shops he would need to get his stuff from. "Can we get the clothes first? I want to get them ready so that we can collect them before we leave, I really don't want to be here longer than necessary if that's okay sir?"

"Of course Harry , and call me Severus or Sev remember. None of that sir stuff unless we are in class, I don't want you uncomfortable during the time you'll be spending with me." Snape waited until Harry nodded before continuing "Right then let's go get your clothes, and we'll get normal outfits as well, those rags won't do you any good." Once again the green eyed boy nodded and started walking towards Madam Malkin's to get his Hogwarts cloak and other things, turning back every so often to ensure the professor was not far behind.

Once they reached the shop the pair walked in with Harry looking at the finely dressed manikins and Snape sneering at the bright coloured fabrics hanging everywhere.

"Hogwarts dear?" Harry heard from the side of him. He turned towards the woman before nodding "Yes ma'am, I also need normal wear as well, my relatives only gave me these." She looked up from placing the pin in the fabric around a blond boy who was slightly taller than Harry and gasped at what he was wearing.
"Oh dear me, those are not clothes and they are definitely not suitable for you to wear at all! What were those people thinking, come here now and I'll get you sorted right away!"
Harry did as he was told, while acting shy and uncomfortable like how his memories show he was supposed to act in the presence of others.

"Are you a first year too? What house do you recon you'll be in? I personally prefer Slytherin but I guess Ravenclaw isn't too bad of a house. As long as I'm not in Gryffindor I guess it doesn't really matter." The blonde boy gave Harry no chance to reply to any of his questions and hardly took a breath. "Draco. If you want him to answer you need to be quiet." Sev said, causing Harry to turn to him "He is my godson however he doesn't seem to be able to limit his questions today."

"Well hi Draco, I'm Harry and I am a first year. I don't really know what house I want to be in, it's the first I've ever heard of them (😉) what are they like?" Severus groans and takes a seat on a highly comfortable but horribly coloured chair knowing his godson may not shut up if Harry pushes the right buttons.

"Well there are 4 houses at Hogwarts. Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. They all have different traits and you get sorted and the sorting feast. However I can't tell you how we are sorted, it's a stupid tradition that you don't tell anyone how it is done so my parents won't tell me." He rolls his eyes in annoyance while Harry tries to hide his giggles due to not only knowing how they are sorted but Draco's reaction to not being told before hand. "Anyway Slytherin is for the cunning and ambitious, most of my family are sorted there and it's where I hope to be, however some of them have gone to Ravenclaw and even a few Hufflepuffs through gout the generations. Ravenclaw is where the smart ones go, it's my second favourite and the one I hope to go to if I don't get Slytherin. Hufflepuff is for the loyal ones, they are overlooked in the school but father says they are just like Slytherins, they often get along very well. The last house is Gryffindor, they are apparently the house of the brave, but nowadays they are just full of people who don't think before they act and are obnoxiously loud mouthed. They think they are the light house and should be respected by everyone but no house is light or dark. People make their own destiny as mother says it's not the house they are sorted in that does it."

This is part 1 of the shopping trip, Harry finally met Draco and the start of their friendship is forming. I will update as soon as I can however it may be a while.

Thank you guys for the reads and votes I really appreciate it. As usual any suggestions are welcome and corrections. Thank you again.

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