Final shopping part

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Dracos pov

I'm so not jealous. But I mean why is my Harry speaking to a Weasley?!! Especially Percy, he's one of the only ones that can be tolerated and Harry's getting close to him already.

But I'm not jealous of Percy. Absolutely not.

I just think Harry should stay by my side for the rest of our lives and not be around any weasels.

I grabbed Harry's hand as we left the shop and felt a spark go up my arm causing me to blush slightly. I don't usually hold hands with anyone but I'll gladly hold Harry's as long as I can.

Now it's time to get our wands, but I heard the owner is a bit ... strange to put it nicely. I have to make sure Harry is safe around him, I don't want him to be freaked out by the way he acts.

Third person pov

Little did Draco know Harry also felt the spark go up his arm and his cheeks darkened in colour. He didn't think too much of it only that the feeling was comforting and made him feel safe and loved.

Lucius exchanged a look with Severus after seeing the boys hand seemingly joined together by force. He knew exactly what was happening to the boys but he'll let them figure it out.

The small group walked to olivanders wands for all occasions and quickly went in to the old and empty shop.

Harry couldn't stop looking at the odd interior of the place. Stacks of boxes that look like they should have toppled over around 80 boxes ago and an old counter top that has random stains and burn marks.

Harry jumped when an old man slid a ladder across the shelving unit and abruptly stopped in front of the two boys.

Draco stood protectively in front of Harry facing the wrinkled guy on a ladder that Draco was hoping would break.

A head placed on Draco's shoulder made him look to the side and saw Harry's face incredibly close to his. He gasped and blushed while looking back to the man.

Olivander peaked Harry's interest and once Draco stood in front of him and blocked his view he knew he still had to look at him again. He wasn't sure what it was but he felt the need to get closer to him, or more specifically something he had on him.

The feeling started as soon as he as looked in Olivanders direction almost like a force from beyond.

He had found his wand.

He reached his arm out and the elder wand flew into his hand, with everyone else in the room looking at him wide eyed.


"How did you do that young man?"

"I could feel it so I reached out and hoped it came to me."

They just gave him another gob smacked look before moving on, even if the events puzzled their minds.
Draco got his wand after around 45 minutes and they left the dreary shop.

Finally the shopping was complete, now it was time for them to return to get Dudley and go to Snapes home.

Sorry for the short update, I just wanted to get the shopping finished before going to Snapes house.

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