Snape's nice? and we're leaving?!

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The next morning Harry woke to Petunia slamming a pan against his cupboard door "Wake up freak we're hungry, you have 15 minutes to make breakfast!"

Harry rubs his eyes, feeling absolutely shattered then replays what his 'aunt' just said. "Oh shit" he jumps up banging his head in the process and runs in the kitchen to make the food. He uses a little bit of wandless magic to speed it up and gets it out in 13 minutes.

"Here you are aunt Petunia."

He serves the abusive assholes then goes over to Dudley slipping him a note that says about him expecting someone to collect him later and asks him to answer it so that his parents don't see who it is, luckily Dudley nodded and after he ate, he told Vernon he was going out and to not bother looking for him as he'd be back soon. The whale nodded not really caring, it seemed to Harry that he was trying to break a record or how much food someone can eat in one go. He cleaned up what he could and waited for the adults to finish all the food and drink before clearing the table.

Dudley sat at the end of the driveway behind the car to ensure his father wouldn't be able to see him and waited for his brother's visitor. After a while Severus Snape arrived from a dead-end at the end alley of the street, surprising Dudley as he didn't see him go in the alley to be able to leave it. He shrugged and stood up.

As Snape approached he noticed the child at the end of the driveway and walked towards him. "Are you the person my little Harry is waiting for?" Dudley looked the darkly dressed man up and down, observing his stature and possible intentions towards his little cousin. Sev nodded slowly a sneer appearing "Yes, Potter apparently asked for me to accompany him." His disgust was palpable and Dudley straighten up and sent the older man a glare. "You better be looking after him well, he doesn't deserved to be hurt more than he already is."

This confused the potion master greatly, wasn't the brat supposed to have been treated like a prince and loved dearly with no harm able to happen to him with his loving carers hovering over him. "What do you mean child, is Potter not treated like a prince? That's what everyone has been told, so pray tell how he has been hurt?"

"Treated like a prince?! More like a fucking slave and punching bag! God how do others not notice the abuse that he goes through. The only reason I couldn't tell anyone was because of Harry being hurt worse if I tried." The bat nodded and started towards the house after Dudley "I will ensure he is safe and that both of you are removed from that situation, I promise. Pack yours' and Harry stuff up while we are gone and I'll arrange a room for the two of you to stay at mine for now until I can sort something for the school terms."

Dudley nodded and told Snape to stay outside while he gets Harry, not wanting his parents to find out. He grabs Harry and leaves again, showing him the visitor that arrived for him. "Good morning sir, are you professor Snape by chance?" the man nodded "yes Potter, I'm here to take you to Diagon alley for your back to school shopping. While we do this your cousin is going to pack up both of your things so that you can live with me."

Harry looked up in shock, he heard from Merlin that Snape would most likely not take to him at first because of the cruel pranks his father use to play on him, even to go as far as to set a feral werewolf on the teenager at the time. Using his knowledge on everything that had happened in the past, they both assumed that the dour man would hate him for a while before he warmed to the young lad.

"Are you sure sir? I wouldn't want to intrude on your time off from teaching." It was Snape's turn to look surprised now "Pot  ... Harry no matter what you seem to believe, I would rather keep you at my side all the time than leave you in a house full of abuse, with only your slightly older cousin to look after you. So I have asked your cousin to pack while we are gone, if there is anything hidden that you want tell him now as you are not coming back."

Harry nodded but he knew he had nothing important hidden as he hadn't actually lived there very long at all. His personal belongings were in a shrunken trunk that he kept in the bottom of his broken shoe that the Dursley's oh so kindly gifted him once they decided they were no longer okay to keep for their precise Dudley. He knew Dudley tried to ruin them so much that they couldn't be passed down, but they gave them to him anyway, much to Dudley's displeasure.

Dudley goes back into the house after saying goodbye to his brother and starts packing things away, thanking the heavens that he always kept his room as tidy as possible.

After Dudley left Severus explained that they would be travelling by apparation and tells him to grab on. Once he does they disappear with a loud pop.

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