Chores and a brother?

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Just as Harry was settling into his cupboard the human whale *cough* Vernon *cough* dragged him back out by his hair and shoved a list of chores in his hand demanding them to be done before he gets back a 7pm. Harry was confused though, why is Vernon letting him out of the cupboard if no one is going to be home? He never would have in those memories.

"Don't get excited freak, Dudley is staying to make sure you actually do the chores I've given you. And make sure you make him a big lunch my little man needs to grow to be strong doesn't he boy?!"

"Yes Uncle Vernon, I'll make him a big lunch." Dudley walk back in without the small bag of chocolates "Dad I don't need to eat to be strong that will just make me fat. I need a gym membership, I can even take Harry so that he is faster at doing his chores."

"I don't go to the gym dud and look at me, I'm as strong as ever with all the food I eat. But I'll think about it alright, just so the chores are done faster."

Vernon threatens Harry with no food for a week if his chores aren't done by the time he gets back and the leaves after saying goodbye to Dudley.

The boys watch the car leave, well Dudley does, Harry stood awkwardly behind him. Once 5 minutes had passed Dudley backed away from the window and held his hand out to Harry.

"What?" Harry was very confused he had nothing to give him

"The list, let me see what we have to do today, then we can share a lunch once we finish." Dudley rolls his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world while his younger cousin sheepishly handed him the long list, feeling very stupid.

They read through it together pointing out the things that the two of them could work together on, like the gardening or the dishes. "Shouldn't take too long, should it?"

"No not with both of us doing it H. right come on then, let's start outside before it gets too hot, yeah?

"Yeah sure." They grab all the tools they need for gardening and weeding and get started, working on opposite sides so they didn't get in the others way.

*time skip to once they finish the chores*

Both boys collapse on the sofa, exhausted from all the work they got done. After looking at the clock they realised that they had only taken 4 hours to do it all because they worked together. Merlin knows how long it would have taken if Harry didn't have Dudley helping him.

Harry eventually lifts himself up after seeing the time, and looks in the fridge.

"Hey Dud what do you want for a late lunch? We have pizza or leftover chicken..... That someone took a bite out of."

Dudley laughs at Harry's disgusted face, and told him it was probably Vernon, he is after all a human waste bin for food. He nodded and got out the pizza looking at the date.

"Did you want this now or later?" Dudley thought about it but Harry's stomach interrupted his thinking "now I guess brother, seems like you need to eat soon." He laughed at the embarrassed blush that spread across his face.

"Wait brother? You've never called me that before." Dudley stopped in his track, his laugh dying out. "Uhhh sorry Harry I didn't mean to upset you."

Harry realised that he had tears running down his face and wiped them quickly, "I'm not upset dud, I'm just surprised you'd want to call me your brother you know? I just.. I've never had a sibling, even though I counted you as one we never were actual brothers and I guess.... I never thought I'd have anyone here to really call family" the tears were back and flowing too quickly for harry to wipe away.

"Come here brother." Harry ran into Dudley's arms and cried completely forgetting about the pizza.

Dudley held Harry close knowing that he needed the comfort. Eventually Harry's sobs reduce to snivels and his stomach starts to rumble again causing both boys to laugh.

Harry and Dudley separate and go into the kitchen to cook the pizza. They remove the packaging and place it on the tray before putting it in the oven.

Once the food had finished cooking they grab a plate and sliced the pizza into 8 pieces.

After they have finished eating they clean up making sure they left no evidence of Harry having any food, he didn't want Vernon to have any knowledge of his eating even a piece of their food.

Dudley and Harry cuddled on the couch, with Harry burying himself as close as he can into his newly proclaimed brother, enjoying the comfort he was providing him. Until they heard a car screeching in the distance. Both boys quickly got up and sorted the couch before Harry crawled into his cupboard and Dudley locked it. Not a minute later the whale and the horse pulled into the driveway. Dudley quickly opened the door to greet them.

"Oh my little Duddykins I can't believe we left you for so long with the freak. Are you okay darling? The brat fed you 2 big meals didn't he?"

"Calm down mum I'm fine and he cooked me tea." At this Vernon's face started going purple in anger "what do you mean the freak cooked you tea!? What about your lunch Dudders did the freak starve my little boy?"

"What? No Dad I went out to eat lunch instead."

"Ahh good thinking Dudders I wouldn't want to see the freak to much either if I were you!" Vernon truly believed that Harry was the problem in the house, not them.

"Yeah exactly. The.. freak finished all his chores so I locked him back into his cupboard."

It had gotten easier to call Harry a freak overtime. The only signs of discomfort was the short pause and the look in his eyes. But his mother and father didn't care enough about his feeling towards his cousin to notice the fact he didn't like being mean to him. They just believed he hated everything to do with him include talking about him.

"Brilliant! That's exactly what I would have done, good thinking son!"

"Oh and don't bother waking the little freak, we ate out to avoid his dreadful cooking for once." The two adults laughed and went upstairs to their room.

As they walked passed Dudley they missed the look of hatred he had towards them in his eyes. He couldn't wait until he was old enough to move out and take his little brother with him. He prays every night for the day to come sooner.

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