Shopping part 2

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After an hour of choosing the fabrics, colours and styles, Harry and Draco were finally able to leave the warm clothing shop. The street was even busier now than it was before Harry and Severus first arrived so the boys grabbed each other's hands as to not lose one another.
Snape noticed the little action but ignored it, not overly interested in what they had going on.
Harry's cheeks darkened slightly when he noticed how much he liked holding Draco's hand.

Draco wasn't paying any attention to his feelings, too busy trying to find the distinctive blond hair of his father, as he was the one who took Draco to diagon alley today. Finally he spotted the blinding head of hair and pulled Harry towards the tall man not really caring if his godfather was actually following or not. Luckily as soon as Draco pulled him, Harry grabbed onto Snape's sleeve to let him know they were moving somewhere else.
He glided behind the pair after seeing who they were going to.

Harry was tripping over his own feet while being dragged behind him "Draco can you slow down please?! I can't keep up with you in these shoes." His shoes had holes all over and the sole was falling off on the right shoe.

Hearing the boy he slowed slightly and kept and steady pace. "You need to get new shoes Harry, I'm sure I can get my dad to duplicate mine for now so that you can walk at my speed."

Finally they reached Draco's dad, Lucius Malfoy. "Draco, what have I said about dragging people?"
"Not to drag people"
"And what exactly are you doing?"
"Ummm dragging my new friend, sorry father, I was just excited. Also can you duplicate my shoes Harry's are in pieces and it's making him slow, I don't want to walk slower because of shoes."
The blonde signed but duplicated the shoes like asked and gave them to Harry "Here you are, just throw those.... shoes away."

"Thank you sir." Harry removed his shoes and put on the duplicated pair. He couldn't however see where he could dispose of his old pair. "Umm sir? Where should I put these ones?" Without much of a thought Lucius used his wand to get rid of the shoes. The muggleborns that were looking in their direction stood amazed at how simple he made it look while the group just continued the introductions. "So, I'm guessing with Draco's enthusiastic introduction you are Harry? I'm Lucius Malfoy , obviously I'm Draco's father, his mother will be here soon. She had some work to sort out first." He held his hand out for Harry and he shook it with confidence although he made sure his body language was unsure and showed a look of fake confidence.

"Right then, Draco we need to get your books and wand before we can finally get your owl. Severus what has Harry got left to get?"
Being a teacher he didn't even need to look at the list to know what needed to be collected. "Apart from robes we need everything on the list, I have the potions portion at mine however so we will just join you if that alright." Lucius knew that wasn't a question he was going to go with them anyway, he nodded nonetheless.

Once again the group set off this time to flourish and blotts to gather the children's books.

The store was very quiet with very few people, until after they stepped inside. Almost as if silent spaces attract them the Weasley's appeared in the door frame, loud as usual, and pushed each other through the door. The twin boys purposely went through the door at the same time the youngest boy was walking through, trapping them all in the door. Molly didn't even notice to busy shouting about the prices and how they were going to afford this next year with Ginny also going.

"Those are the Weasleys" Draco muttered into his ear "They are the type of Gryffindor that believe in the house being light, the twins are cool but the rest of them.. not so much. They are desperately poor and have more children then they can house in their forever expanding home. Ridiculous if you ask me." Harry listened intently while watching the family, he could see five children 2 of which were causing mayhem with the monster books, fighting each other with them. The youngest boy was grimacing at the books obviously not the biggest reader.

The girl was clinging to her mother's robes but looking at Harry and Draco intently. The oldest boy was looking at political books about the ministry with his arms already full of books. Harry left Draco's side to help him grab another book that he was attempting to add to the pile that was dangerously high already.

"I uhh here you go, you looked like you needed help, I'm Harry by the way."

"Percy Weasley, thank you Harry. I think I should put most of these back anyway, I haven't exactly got the money for it, I just wanted to look." Harry looked up curiously and scanned the books he was getting. They were relatively cheap considering they weren't exactly sort after. He grabbed the pile from Percy and took it to the front of the store, quickly paying with the card he got from Gringotts.

(Completely forgot to have Harry go to Gringotts so create your own scene if you wish were he gets a card that is directly linked to the Potter volt, he didn't get an inheritance test because Snape was with him)

Percy followed him to say they had to put them back he couldn't make the store owner do it, only to be pushed back slightly by a stack of books being shoved in his hands. "Harry! Do you know how much that was?!" "Yeah like 13 galleons..? And some change. It's okay I got the card instead of coins so I didn't have to worry about my shopping and not having enough to pay today."

"Harry.. for my family 13 galleons is a lot so I'm sorry for my surprise but it's not exactly something cheap. Thank you though."

"Well I have enough, so I decided to help you out, maybe we could be friends?"

Percy nodded and opened his mouth to reply before his mother cut in "Percy put those books back you know we can't afford them with Ron's list as well."
"Actually ma'am I've brought them for him, he's my friend now so I decided to get them for him"

Molly instantly recognised the young boy and her eyes widened "well thank you very much, however Percy did not need them, my Ron needs books not Percy."

"No offence ma'am but Percy is my friend and although he may not need the books, he was interested in them and wanted them. I do not know Ron and I do not wish to know him or buy him anything. I'll see you later Percy." With that Harry turns and walks back towards his little group where he rejoins his hand with Draco's.

They quickly went around the store and grabbed the books they needed, and a few extra before paying and leaving to the packed alley again.

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