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First it was her mind to wake up, trying to get used to the aching pain ringing in her whole body which came right after she regained conscious and then opened her eyes, looking around her surroundings. Trees, plants, dirt, jungle. Jane shot up into sitting position but the aching pain in her back and side thought otherwise and made her lay back down on the muddy ground covered in leaves.

"Ugh." An annoyed sigh left her lips, looking into the dark sky while remembering what happened before she passed out. The power went out, T-rex escaped and sent the jeep Tim and Jane were still in falling, however Jane fell out and somewhere else but not to far from the jeep. She can look there and hope Tim or someone is still there.

Being on an unknown island full of dangerous animals and nothing that can keep them away from humans made a shiver run down Jane's spine. Who knows what can happen to them yet with the t-rex running around the island and other species escaping their paddock. Let's hope the power went out only in this paddock. The less problems then better.

With groan and help of tree Jane managed to push herself onto her feet and went to find the jeep. The problem is she don't know which direction and how far. She need to find at least one person or someone that can keep them safe. A little girl like Jane can do nothing against those dinosaurs. Right now the only help she has is her brain, which she decided to listen to.

It felt like forever of Jane walking but the opposite is truth. Nothing look the same and yet everything seems familiar. A sound of water caught Jane's ears and quickly followed the sound, coming to a high wall. It's the one they were pushed from. Walking to the hole the water is pourring from, Jane put her hands together and drank the pourred water from her hands then washed her face. It's not the clearest water but better than nothing.

A glance down at her brown stained clothes made Jane sigh defeated. Her overal and tshirt along with her shoes turned the shade of brown, dirty from the wet mud from before when it rained. Thankfully it stopped. At least her dark blue cap has still it's colour, still wondering how it didn't fell off her head.

When she turned around, satisfied her throat isn't dry anymore, the jeep the t-rex pushed down showed before her eyes. It's dirty from mud and crushed from t-rex's foot, laying on it's roof. Jane quickly ran to it and looked inside, hoping Tim or someone to be hiding there. Unfortunately no one, not even Tim who was in the jeep when it fell. She can only pray for Tim, Alan, Lex and others to stay safe, especially the three who are somewhre out there if not inside.

A roar echoed through the sky, alarming the younger Grant. She was about to hide in the hole from fear the t-rex would find her but very familiar scream made her stop. It sounded like Ellie!

"Ellie!" Ignoring the fact that t-rex is somewhere around, Jane screamed for the woman she sees as her aunt and ran the direction it came from, which was not much of help. If Ellie is out there Jane will do anything to keep her safe, much to her own fear. If she can't find her uncle and the two other children, Ellie is the closest she has to.

"Ellie!" Her screams caught someone else than she wanted and they changed their way from chasing the car to where's the voice coming from.

"Ellie! Where are you?!" When it stayed silent, Jane stopped in her track. A sob escaped her and another, thinking this is the last time she's alive. Anything can kill her here at any moment and to add to that, she's all alone.

Leaves and plants started rustling around her, the ground shaking under her gaining new fear inside her. Before she didn't think about bringing something's else attention, only to try and find Ellie, now she regret it. Maybe it wasn't even Ellie screaming and she yelled for nothing.

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