More Than Friends?

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"Come on, Drake!" Whit beamed, looking back at his good friend.

Drake and Whit had been best friends for 6 years, over that, actually, and Whit had gotten a bit... Different.

"I'm coming!" Drake snapped, and trudged after Whit up to the Office.

Whit disappeared inside, and and Drake followed in.

"Hey, Whit. You're awfully ch-"

"No-" Whit turned, shaking his head madly.

Yep, Drake thought, he's drunk, he studied Whit with narrowed eyes, but said no more as he sat in his chair. Whit sat in his, spinning, actually, giggling crazily. Drake's fists tightened, looking through the cameras. He watched Eilliyzsa come walking down the hall, and Drake's heart sunk. She was about to take Whit to Pirate Cove, and leave him alone with no one else.

"Whitty~!" Eilliyzsa cooed, walking into the Office to see the guard spinning in his chair. "Ye been drinkin'?" she asked, glancing at Drake, with a shrug. Drake simply nodded.

"Where we goin'?" Whit jumped off of his chair and ran after Eilliyzsa, squealing.

Drake let out an upset sigh, but shifted in his seat and resumed working away.


Whit came back into the Office, and sat beside Drake, a little too close for comfort. Drake heard Eilliyzsa come storming back, and Whit took off.

"Get 'im!" Eilliyzsa pointed after Whit.

Why me! Why is it always me! Drake nodded and went to walk after Whit.

"Whitty!" he sang, looking around for the lovable goof, but he was no where to be seen.


Blue Fire walked into the Office, seeing Eilliyzsa flustered. He walked up to her, grabbed her shoulders, and spun her around.

"W-what are ye doin'?" she whimpered.

"You've been looking the wrong way," Blue Fire's eyes sparked, then he held her against him, and kissed her.

Whit walked into the Office to see Blue Fire and Eilliyzsa, and he let out a shout of anger, turned, and ran out.

"Whit!" Drake called, looking towards Pirate Cove, but then something hit him, and he fell.

"Drake!" Whit hugged the guard's arm, his tears soaking his arm.

"What happened?" Drake asked, moving Whit's sweaty hair out of his eyes.

"E-Eilliyzsa..." Whit began, but he couldn't and he shoved his face into Drake's side.

"Shh..." Drake pat the guard's head, and sighed, feeling bad for him.

"She was kissing Blue Fire!" Whit spat out, and hugged Drake.

Drake frowned, now he felt even worse. His poor friend's girlfriend just ditched him for some other animatronic.

All he did was sit up, with Whit, and hug him, patting his back, hoping to calm him down. Whit sniffled, burying his face into Drake's shoulder, trying not to cry more. He had his best friend with him, holding him tightly, making Whit blush slightly.

"It's ok," Drake murmured, rubbing Whit's back in comfort.

"I-I think she doesn't l-like me... N-now..." Whit hiccuped.

"It's ok," Drake repeated. "I'm sure someone else does," he whispered.

Whit smiled, and hugged his friend back, feeling better.


Eilliyzsafinally broke from him, and pushed Blue Fire out of the Office.

"Koda, what was that fer?!" she shouted, but Blue Fire ran for Parts and Services, knowing that Eilliyzsa was probably going to punch him or something.

Blue Fire ducked into his room, and shut the door, locking it. Heck only knows what Eilliyzsa was to do. He curled up ont he table, and stared into space, frowning.

Three soft knocks made Blue Fire snap back into reality and looked up at the door, curious. Slowly he got up, and walked to the door, but as he reached for the door nob, he stopped, hesitating.

"Wh-who is it?" he growled.

"It's me, Eilliyzsa," the voice on the other side cooed.

"Go away!" Blue Fire spat, and backed away from the door, drawing his hand up towards him.

"Koda, I be wantin' t' apologize!" Eilliyzsa sighed, slightly irritated.

"Leave, please?" Blue Fire flattened his ears.

Just then, softly and barely unheard, Paradise from Coldplay began to drift off him.

"Koda?" Eilliyzsa tapped on the door.

"R-right here," Blue Fire opened the door, looking like a mess.

"I be sorry I snapped at ye," Eilliyzsa tapped her hook, looking at her feet.

"I'm sorry about... That..." Blue Fire looked up at the ceiling.

Eilliyzsa hugged him. "Thar be no reason fer ye t' apologize," she purred, smiling.

Blue Fire hugged her back, his eyes closing tightly. He truly loved her, but that's all he could do: love her secretly. But now, she knew.

He grunted, feeling her weight grow heavier, and he noticed that she had fallen asleep, so he dragged her to Pirate Cove.


Drake set Whit in his chair, and he sat in his own.

"Better?" he grunted, feeling exhausted.

"Yes," Whit smiled.

Poor Drake had to carry Whit around the pizzeria, and back to the Office, and he was tired as crap.

Whit noticed that Drake had been acting weird, first with the hug, then the offer to carry him.

"Are you ok?" Drake asked, looking at Whit with concern.

"Yeah... Why?" Whit raised a brow.

"Well, you're staring at me, and... Blushing..." Drake frowned.

"Oh," Whit looked away, hiding his reddening face.

Drake raised a thick brow, but turned and shut the door on Bonnie's face. Chica was in the other window, seeing Whit's red face, and she giggled, and ran off to tell Maxi and Garth.

Whit then passed out, falling for the floor, but Drake was right there, just in time, and he caught Whit.

"Jeez, man," he grunted, sitting Whit up in his chair, and checking to see if he wasn't hurt.

He didn't realize, but he was blushing.

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