Chapter 2

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Drake closed his sore eyes, wondering if his mother was ok. Every time he went to go for work, he would call to his mother, but she wouldn't respond. Every time he came home, he was afraid of what he would find, but he knew not to worry- she was a smart woman, she was capable of caring for herself.

Drake sighed, and lowered his head. It hurt just to think about her, it always reminded him of his dad.

His dad.

Memories cursed through Drake's mind, which hurt him, making him fall to the ground and stare blankly at the ceiling.


Drake woke with a start, looking around. Whit was gone. Panic cursed through his body, and he got up quickly.

"Whit!" he called. No response.

Drake ran out of the Office, just as he ran into Freddy. The bear turned his head, and Drake screeched, turned, and ran down the other hall. He had to find Whit. He looked around with utmost panic, his eyes never settling on one object. He ran back into the paty room, and he walked up to Freddy.

"H-have you seen W-Whit?" Drake asked the bear, who pointed towards Parts and Services.

-in Parts and Services-

A deep voice sounded close to Whit. "Can you hear him? Your hero? He's calling!" The voice sounded imitated, not natural. Yes I can hear Drake... Whit frowned. "Your Prince Charming is gonna come save ya, is he now?"

-in the Party Room-

One thought raced in Drake's mind, making him quiver. Whit's dead, he thought, slowly making his way towards the room. Slowly he opened the door, just as something hit his head and he hit the ground with a thump.


Drake woke, seeing that he was in a small room, tied up, his hands behind his back and his ankles tied together. He tried to look around to see who else was in the room, since he heard soft breathing. His eyes locked onto a familiar figure close to him, slouched forward and somewhat the same position as Drake. Whit was there, alive, thankfully, a huge weight lifted off of Drake's chest, sighing in relief.

Then lights shot on, and Drake's eyes narrowed, trying to get used to the sudden brightness. He hissed, and tried to talk, but he realized he had a cloth tied around his face and in his mouth. He bit down on the cloth, growling, but he didn't move. Slowly Drake looked at Whit to see that he, too, had the cloth. Whit lifted his head, then yelped, realizing that he was tied up. He turned his head to see Drake struggling to untie his hands, staring intently at the ceiling. Kids poured in around them, laughing, giggling, and Drake suddenly realized that he and Whit were the new attraction.

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