Chapter 5

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A/N: Warning: this has fluff!!

Whit woke, feeling warm. He blinked and moved his head a bit to see that Drake had his arms wrapped around Whit's small torso. Whit's face automatically went red, his eyes wide. Drake huffed and his warm breath stained Whit's neck, forcing every hair on end and causing Whit to gasp.

Drake was lost in a dream, at least Whit hoped it was, shaking lightly. He moved away from Drake, who recoiled his hands and rolled onto his back, his head away from Whit. Well that was creepy, Whit thought. He watched Drake sleep, and he smiled and got up, deciding to check the time. It wasn't as early as Whit thought it was, and he stretched. It was actually 2:00 am.

Whit shuffled back into the living room and curled up beside Drake, staring off into the distance. Suddenly a soft thunderclap made Whit's head shoot up. Oh no. Whit looked back at Drake, who twitched uncomfortably. Whit laid back down and murmured softly, trying to calm Drake. It wasn't working.


Drake shot up, his forehead almost colliding with Whit's. Whit looked at him, bewildered. "Are you okay?!" Whit asked Drake, worry in his eyes. Drake turned to look at Whit, then he nodded and laid down. Whit sighed and laid back beside Drake, and the two stared at the ceiling.

Without thinking, Whit grabbed Drake's hand.


The thunder rolled away and the lightning stopped, barely any rain remained. Drake looked at Whit and finally asked: "Why'd you grab my hand? Do you fear the thunder too?" He raised a brow.

Whit's head spun, and he let go of Drake's hand, a deep red appearing on his face. Whit then remembered he had to act drunk still. Normally, when Whit was drunk, he grew more affectionate, especially towards Drake. Whit pinned one of Drake's hand to the floor, leaned forward, pinned his other hand against the couch, then kissed Drake. Drunk or not, he had been wanting to do this, not forced by another animatronic, but forced by either one of the two.

What am I thinking?! Whit sat back, surprised. Both men's faces were red. Whit then looked down, he kind of actually enjoyed that. He grabbed Drake's chin, then kissed him again, but more passionately.

"Whit..." Drake mumbled against the kiss, and Whit tried to stop the smile that ended up dancing upon his lips anyways.

A/N: No, this will not become a lemon, just loads of kisses and ye!! I hope you enjoyed!!

Loving Another (Drit)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz