Chapter 9 - The Un-Truth

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Rose Road, Plymouth

The four young people gathered in the living room, Alana the last to take her seat next to Cassie. Dean was looking over some papers as Sam looked through the journal.

How did Cassie know about what they did? Alana wondered as she played with her fingers, tapping them together. Another bad habit she'd picked up in the past year.

"What do you guys need to know about the murders?" Cassie asked, breaking the silence.

"Where did they take place exactly?" Alana asked.

"In the old Plymouth Cemetery. This is strange though, that place has been locked up and abandoned for years. And since the bridge is missing, no one can get in there besides."

"Have you heard any stories about the place?" Sam asked.

"Yes I actually have. Sarana's father is a minister for the African Heritage Church, their plots are near there."

"What have you heard?" Dean asked, glancing up from the papers.

"Well..." she began, "40 some years ago there was a fire in that cemetery and it destroyed half the tombstones and graves that dated back to the mid-1800s. After that people said they would hear odd things in the daytime and the trees suddenly looked dark and evil. That's when the mayor of Plymouth closed the cemetery to everyone and it was left abandoned until a few weeks ago."

"What happened then?"

"A realtor came in and excavated parts of the land around the cemetery in which they could build houses. The cemetery sits exactly in the middle of the development. The town is upset over that factor."

"Why?" Alana asked, wondering why this suddenly sounded so eerily familiar.

"Because there were Indian graves that had no markers, 4 of them were disturbed and removed from that area. Now the town thinks the place is haunted."

Now Alana knew for sure she'd heard this before and then it hit her like a ton of bricks. The buildings, this house, it was familiar to her. Dear god, she was in Plymouth, Pennsylvania! Her hometown! Now she knew why she knew the stories all too well!

"Alana?" Sam said, looking at his sister as she jumped in her seat, "Are you alright?"

She shook her head, "I thought this place was too familiar. This house," she stopped, rocking back and forth, hugging herself as she shivered, "This isn't the house my mother died in, but it's where my house once stood."

Sam watched as Alana broke down. He knew the pain all too well. "Alana..."

"It's okay Sam, I'm sorry. It's just that this place brings back too many memories I thought I forgot."

"Is your mother part of this Alana?" Sam asked.

She looked up to him, her face pale and her eyes large. How could she tell them what had happened here in front of Cassie?

"No." she said.

"Alana, tell me what happened." Cassie said.

Alana didn't trust her or her brothers too well. She had that problem since her mother died and her father had left them.

"My mother died the same way their mother died." She said and pointed to her brothers.

"What?" she said, shocked at the news. "But I thought..." She was cut off by Dean.

"Her mother is not ours. Dad had an affair when we were young and Alana, well let's put it this way, we just found out about her."

"Are you sure she's telling the truth?" Cassie said, a hint of anger in her voice that made Alana jump from the couch and move towards Sam.

"We're sure. She knew too many names for us not to know."

"Dean, I think she's an imposter out to hurt you."

"Stop it Cassie." Dean warned.

Cassie got to her feet. "You stupid boy." She hissed and scratched his face.

Dean backed away in horror, his face bleeding from where she scratched him.


"Cassie's dead, my boy. Took her out at the bar. Couldn't let her help you bitches out now could I?" the voice said.

Alana growled and reached for her gun, holding it behind her, watching the mad woman. "Who are you?" she demanded.

"Someone you should've never pissed off."

Alana brought the gun up in front of her and fired, point blank at the woman and put the bullet in her forehead. "Now I know I was right." She said and left the house, waiting for her brothers to come after her.

Winchester Siblings: Capture (Book 1) (A Supernatural Series)Where stories live. Discover now