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I crack a smile and hang my head as I walk into the team gym at the arena to find Wes and Jax at a weight rack. As soon as they see me Wesley unleashes a knowing grin and Jax begins a slow clap.

"I'm sorry. Who are you and what have you done with my Captain?" Jax prods, a cocky smirk on his face . I drop my bag on the floor, grabbing my water bottle out and preparing for the ribbing I knew would be coming next time I saw my friends. "You see, he's about yeah high," he lifts his hand and lays his palm parallel to the floor at about my height, "brown hair, blue eyes, a constant stick up his ass and notoriously chaste. He went missing the other night and was replaced by some wild man that showed up with a date and then apparently closed the deal if the noises spilling from his bedroom were any indication."

"Alright, alright." I say, chuckling and trying to not be too embarrassed. "Laugh it up."

"Oh, I intend to." Jax says, stepping around the bench he had been using and taking a seat next to Wes.

"I gotta admit it, man," Wesley says, "I did not expect you to invite us all over and then bail."

"Yeah, well, it wasn't really my game plan but I won't lie and say I was disappointed with the outcome. Maggie's a lot prettier than you two and a hell of a lot better company."

Jax rewards that remark by throwing a sweat rag at me and I just laugh it off.

"So Maggie.." Wes prods, "She's the girl from that night at the bar? The one who spilled drink all over you and had you cutting out early and flustered."

"Yep." I say simply, hoping to ease out of the girl talk and into my workout routine.

As nonchalant as I had felt about my morning routine going off the tracks when Maggie had been in my arms and in my bed this morning, when she'd left after a quick breakfast my system had quickly gone into shock. It was like a bucket of ice water had been dumped on my head and I was left scrambling for some semblance of normal which had sent me straight here. To the gym. To try and get nestled safely back into the comfort of my routines. Wesley and Jax though, seem determined to crash through those hopes like a freight train.

"Layne said she was really nice and they got along well."

"Mmm." I grunt as I begin a set of reps with a barbell. Hoping my noncommittal and feigned lack of interest will help this conversation end. Maggie is proving to be distracting enough to my thoughts on her own, I don't know if I can handle her sleeping her way into my hockey world right now, in the middle of playoff prep.

"So are you guys dating? Or is it just a fuck?" Jax asks and I shoot him a glare. He's always so fucking crass.

"We're not dating." I say simply, because it's true. We aren't dating, but it wasn't just a fuck either but I don't really want to air my business or developing feelings out like that in the middle of the fucking weight room.

"Oh sweet!" Jax says, moving to stand. "I heard she's painting the locker room this week and I also heard that she got with you after spotting your dick there a few weeks ago. I figure I'm way more hung than you so I'll just mosey on down there, give her a little show.." He gyrates his hips and the barbell slips from my hand, cladding to the floor. If looks could kill Jax Faulkner would be a dead man right now. "What, Cap? You said you guys aren't together."

"Fuck you."

He's smirking. A cocky little smile that makes me want to slap him so hard he can't see straight but I keep my hands clenched at my side. I feel territorial and threatened. I try to keep my composure, try to fight off the thoughts, the fear that if Maggie had to compare the two of us there'd be no comparison. Practically every woman in the world wants to get with Jax. He's been voted most eligible bachelor in sports by like three major magazines. I hate that I have such an inferiority complex and even worse. I hate my father who gave it to me.

"Simmer down, Hansen." Jax says, clasping a hand on my shoulder and drawing my attention back to the moment I'm in. "I'll leave your painter alone. If you want her though you better not wait around too long, especially if she's gonna be hanging around here. Our teams like horn dog central these days and it's me saying that." He laughs but I don't. I'm too busy trying to mentally slap away the intruding thoughts in my brain.

Jax turns to leave but I call after him and he turns back. "Think about maybe toning down your off ice activities." I tell him and he lifts an eyebrow in question. "Your contract's up next year and Coach will be watching that. I like having you here man, even if you're a pain in my ass ninety-nine percent of the time. Just.. don't give them any reasons to look elsewhere."

His face is hard, his previous smile replaced by worry lines and his mouth set in a frown. "Did they give you reason to think they might?"

I don't want him to panic so I embellish the truth a bit. "Your contract expiring came up and they mentioned being pleased with your on ice performance but a little less than thrilled with the off-ice stuff. I think you're fine but maybe a few less bunnies and drinking until you've inked an extension." He nods and grabs his bag, waving us off as he leaves.

When he's gone, the door clattering closed behind him Wesley turns to face me. "That really all they said?"

I sigh and avert my eyes, my lack of answer enough to say it all.


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