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The Cyclones win game two of the series with New Jersey to tie it up at a game apiece. For some reason though this win doesn't feel quite as sweet. Something has felt off since Hayes left my office earlier today. The weird interaction with Jax definitely affected him. Even though he said he was fine, and he played fine, I could tell everything was definitely not fine.

I mean, I don't know that I blame him. I mean what the fuck even was that? It was certainly unprofessional, not that I'd expected anything less from Jax after hearing all of the stories about him from Hayes. Even still, when we'd been sitting alone in my office, him telling me stories about the team from before I knew Hayes, he had seemed so carefree and almost innocent. There had been a pure quality about him. He'd done a full one-eighty when Hayes had appeared and the weird kiss on the cheek had completely thrown me for a loop.

I'd gone from feeling kind of bad for him to feeling uncomfortable and then I'd seen the look Hayes had on his face and the panic had set in. We'd talked it over after of course and he'd reassured me that things were okay but something in my gut told me that he wasn't being completely transparent with his feelings and that had me on edge.

I'd intended to talk to him about it following the game but during the third period I'd gotten a desperate message from Rachel that she was slammed at the bar and her help had gotten sick. I hated to leave, things already felt wonky, but my friend needed my help so I headed for the exit, thankful for game updates sent to my phone that told me the team had held their 3-2 lead through the final horn.

By the time I make it to Malcolm's it's full and getting fuller by the minute as fans dressed in teal and black filter in after leaving the game. Rachel is racing back and forth behind the bar, trying to keep up but she's clearly struggling. I jumped straight into the weeds with her. Letting the chaos of the full bar consume my thoughts and occupy my mind.

It works for a while, until the uptick in chatter draws my attention to the door and I watch as players from the team slowly begin to trickle in. First Storm and Stiver, a few minutes later Wes joins them at a table near the back that Rachel has started roping off for the team. And so it continues, the team filters in one or two at a time until practically the whole team is at the table, the only ones missing–Hayes and Jax.

My stomach sinks and I fear the worst, that they've finally let the tension that's been building between them explode. I internally wince imagining that a fight between those two would be on par with a duo of crocodiles I'd watch duke it out when I was in South America.

The sound of Rachel calling my name breaks me out of my thoughts and I'm ushered right back in to the chaos.

It's hours before the place dies down enough for me to make my way over to the Cyclones. Officially, I'm checking their drinks. Really, I'm just hoping for a chance to figure out where Hayes has stolen away to. The sight of Wes brings me hope and I approach his table.

"Hey Wes, you still good on drinks?" I ask, unable to completely school my face when a lanky blonde wraps herself around him.

"Uh," he clears his throat and pries the girl off him. "Yeah, Maggie. I think we're good."

"Give me a holler if you need anything!"

"Will do! Hey where'd Hansen go tonight?"

A dry, humorless laugh escapes my chest. "Funny. I was really coming over here to ask you the same question."

"Aw shit, Maggie. I'm sorry, I'm sure it's nothing. He was in a mood when he left the locker room. Jax was being as ass as usual."

"They weren't together were they?"

"Who? Cap and Jax? Nah, Jax left with some puck bunny. Cleared out real fast. Cap was sulking on the bench and then stormed out. I thought he'd have come to see you."

"Yeah, well. He didn't."

He reaches out then. Much to the dismay of the parasite of a woman attached to him. I wonder if she knows his heart belongs to someone else? His fingers grasp my forearm. "Cap just likes his space every now and then. Y'all didn't get into it or anything right?"

I glance around nervously. "No, but Jax was in my office earlier today and it got a little weird when Hayes showed up. He said he was fine but I haven't heard from him since. He normally texts me before and after his games."

"Try not to read too much into it. As long as I've known him Cap's head has been his own worst enemy. I'm sure he'll be fine by tomorrow." 

Wesley is trying to be helpful, I know. But his words do little to comfort me. Something is wrong, I can feel it. 

As if the heavens wish to confirm my suspicions in walks none other than Jax Faulkner himself. And the best part? He's clearly drunk off his ass. 

"WESLEYYYYYY!" He yells out from the front door stumbling through the bar, tripping over people as he makes his way towards his teammates. I've had enough of his particular brand of crazy today so I turn on my heel, tossing a wave back to Wesley as I make myself busy once again behind the bar. 

I had hoped to just ignore Jax. But after an hour, it's clear why Hayes is always so damn frustrated with him. He's loud and obnoxious and I have a feeling more than one of his teammates would just like to punch him in that pretty boy face of his to shut him the fuck up. 

"That's it!" Rachel says from beside me, an annoyed look on her face as she hops over the bar and heads toward the aforementioned jack ass who is currently shot gunning a beer in the middle of the crowded bar, foam and IPA pouring all over the floor. 

"Come on buddy, you gotta go." My eyes widen as I realize what she's doing. This won't end well. I make my way over the table stopping just behind Rachel who's telling Jax exactly where he can stick his ego.

There's a lot of swearing. And hand gestures. And slurring words. It gets dicey and for a moment I genuinely wonder if Jax is enough of a dumbass to swing on a woman. His teammates however seem wise enough to prevent all the patrons of the bar from finding out. Wesley and Beau each grab an arm and drag the tantruming Jax screaming from the bar. 

What. A. Clusterfuck. 

AN: Happy hockey season to all who celebrate :) #LetsGoCanes



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