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The first indication that I'm not in my own bed is the slight ache in my back that comes from sleeping on a mattress that's not my specially designed orthopedic one. A lifetime of being slammed into the boards makes for some wear and tear that only my own mattress seems to rectify. It's a small price to pay though to wake up next to Maggie. Again. Two days in a row now.

I'm certainly not complaining about the recent turn of events in my life.

Maggie lets out a soft snore on the pillow beside me. She's sleeping on her stomach, her mouth wide open and her hair in her face. I can't help it and I reach out to sweep the brown streaks away, mentally cursing myself for waking her up as she starts to stir. 

"Fuck, I'm sorry Maggs. I didn't mean to wake you."

She lets out a yawn and scoots up to a sitting position to lean against the headboard. "It's okay. What time is it?" She asks around yet another yawn.

"Seven." I say grimly.

"Jesus, go back to sleep."

I laugh and trail a finger up her arm until I'm able to cup her cheek. "I think I'm beginning to get the hint that you're not a morning person."

"Not really, no." She says, reaching up to rub at her eyes with a fisted hand.

"Go back to sleep then." I lean forward, capturing her lips with mine and saving the feel.

"Ew, gross. I've got morning breath." She says, her hand pushing against me as she breaks us apart. I could care less that she hasn't had a chance to brush her teeth yet. If that's a hazard that comes with kissing Maggie it's one I can live with.

"I wish I could stay and snuggle but I've got practice in a few hours and I've got to run home for my gear."

"Any chance you'll be free for lunch. I'll be at the arena all day working too."

"Unfortunately not." And I immediately hate the look of disappointment that crosses her face. I'm sure it mirrors my own. It's probably a thought worth pondering why I'm so keen to spend quite literally all my barely existent free time with a woman I've only just started seeing but even if I am more of a morning person, seven is just a little too morning-y for deep dives into my psyche. "We're using our practice facility and not the arena today. Can't really go in the locker room right now so we'll be off-site. I'll probably only have time to grab lunch somewhere before I come in for film review. What about tonight?"

"I'm helping Rachel out at the bar." She sighs.

After a beat of silence though she coughs out a laugh. "It's a little crazy that we've spent practically forty-eight hours together and now I'm actually sad we can't get together later today."

"I was actually having similar thoughts."

"Usually I'm more reserved when I'm getting to know someone. Easing into it you know?" She questions and I nod to let her know I'm listening. "With you though, you're so easy to be around I'm finding."

"Likewise." I say, leaning over to kiss the tip of her nose before starting the process of disattaching myself from her bed. As I stand and dress my dick practically weeps, longing for some special attention from Maggie this morning. I'll manage, it shouldn't be complaining though. It's had more action in the past few days than the rest of the year. It'll be fine.

"Maybe tomorrow we can find some time together?" I ask, a little surprised by how hopeful I sound.

I've attempted a few relationships over the years. Not many but a few. In those attempts at romantic involvement though I always felt as if the person I was seeing was more into it than I was. One of the reasons I've stayed away from relationships in general is my lack of being able to dedicate the time and energy I know they truly need. In the past I've found that to be true. With Maggie though I find myself willing to make the effort. Willing to sacrifice my free time, even if it doesn't feel like all that much of a sacrifice.


"Jesus, Hayes get inside the storm you dumbass!" Wesley yells at me from the chair adjacent to mine.

My player on the screen dies and I groan. "I'm terrible at video games and you know this. Every time you call me over to play I remind you of this and you say it will be fine and then you treat me like shit."

He tosses his controller as he's killed on screen and then turns to me and sarcastically says, "Did I hurt your feelings?"

"I mean a little, yeah." I feign actual hurt and he just stares at me until we both burst out laughing. This is all par for the course with Wes. Since day one after my trade to Carolina we've been fast friends. 

Wes doesn't queue up another round of Fortnite, instead he flips the TV over to ESPN where the reporters are currently talking about baseball. He sinks into his chair, a bottle of Bud light in his hand.

"So how are you?" I ask. The reason I really came over, aside from the fact that I would have otherwise been sat at home alone and binging game film since Maggie is working at Malcolm's tonight, is because Layne flew back to London today. Everytime she comes to visit Wesley crashes pretty hard when she leaves. I think he really loves her, maybe even more than he's willing to  admit.

"I'm fine man." His face and the hint of hurt in his voice say otherwise.

I wait to see if he'll elaborate and when he doesn't I take a sip of the water I had placed on the coffee table earlier and then shift so I can see him a little better.

"What'd she say?" I ask, there's no reason to clarify who 'she' is. There's only one 'she' where Wesley is concerned.

"Same shit as always." He spits, tilting his head back and finishing off the rest of his beer. "Nothing but excuses. She isn't happy with her job but when I told her to move here she went on and on about how she couldn't burden me like that and just a long list of bullshit that I stopped listening to after about ten minutes."

"Does she even know how you feel about her Wes?"

"No." He says, sternly. "You can't just say that to a person who doesn't see you the same way."

"Do you know she doesn't?"

He scoffs. "I think her lack of willingness to consider a move here says a lot."

"Wes, that's a trans-atlantic move you want from her. That's an awful lot to expect from someone when you aren't even willing to tell her the truth about how you feel."

"Ya know Hayes, I like you a lot more when you're doing the broody, self-loathing thing. This Hayes is annoying."

"Don't shoot the messenger just because you're too chicken to act on your feelings."

"Um, hello. Pot meet kettle." The sarcasm is clear.

"I have been acting on my feelings recently you asshole."

"Oh, have you now?"

"Yep. I think me and Maggie are gonna give it a go." I try to remain casual but this is a big deal for me and I have a deep appreciation for him as he slaps me on the shoulder in congratulations and understanding of what a big deal this is for me. But I don't miss the almost envious look in his eye.

AN: Hey y'all! I hope you're enjoying Maggie and Hayes so far. I'm not sure if there will be another update before Tuesday. I'm seeing TSwift in ATL this sunday and won't have much time to write! I'll be back asap though! ILY, Sav

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