demon-slayer boy!

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After binging the desert(s) you ordered,you notices something outside the shop.

It seems that a crowd of need agencies were following a young boy with a brown box on his back,he swiftly ran down a street corner and lost the crowd.

You were pretty impressed by his skills and you realised that the boy you saw was the demon-slayer boy from the article!

You had to meet him.

And so you left your money on the table and quickly ran out of the café and down the road to the street corner and lo and behold,stood the boy,tanjiro,from the article you had read just a minute ago.

You slowly approached him and tapped on his back and he turned around immediately with his blade drawn.

You jumped back in shock and quickly tried to explain to him you weren't a threat,"H-hey! Stop right there,I promise I'm not a threat!"

Tanjiro immediately sheathed his sword and started to apologise ruthlessly,"Oh my! I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me,I hope I didn't startle you too bad!",he yells. Bowing down very low.

You laugh at how low he was bowing  and say,"Oh that's okay,I must've scared you when I tapped you. By the way, why were the crowds chasing you earlier? Afterall that's the entire reason why I found you over here"

He lifts himself to his original height and sighs a sigh of relief and then he begins to explain,"They were following me because I carry a demon with me. You see,my sister got turned into a demon by muzan the demon king! He killed my family and transformed her. And now I'm striving to kill him and find a cure for my sister!"

You begin to feel sympathetic for tanjiro,he had lost his entire easily yet he was still so strong and persevering.

You look at the box on the ground next to tanjiro and ask,"so it that her? What's her name?"

Tanjiro smiles at you and gladly answers your question,"Yes,that's her! And her name is nezuko."

You look back up at him and nod in understanding of his answers,"Oh alright then. Well....would you like to come do the rest of my shopping with me?",you ask. You weren't sure exactly why you asked him that considering you were literally shopping with a dildo in yourself,a courtesy of the person who he was literally trying to kill.

But to your surprise he agrees,"Sure! I'd love too.",he says. He picks up his wooden box and puts it on his back and he waits for you to start walking.

You then turn around and walk back up and around the street corner and back to the now less busy farmers market but it was still loud.

And so you take tanjiro shopping in the market with you and surprisingly he knows how to determine good produce from bad produce and it helps get the job done quicker.


You finished shopping with tanniro and decided to take him into a café to buy him something to eat and to talk to him.

You decide to start the conversation with a few questions for him.

"So tanjiro,how old are you?",you question him with a curious tone.

Tanjiro looks up at you from the tea he was drinking and begins to speak,"Oh I'm 20 years of age. And nezuko is 9",he says with a sweet smile.

(Bro don't get mad at me for the probably incorrect ages of them,it's been while since i fact checked those two.)

You nod your head in understanding and say,"Okay and I'm just curious but how do you intend of finding a cure for your sister?"

Tanjiro looks stumped,afterall he had never really thought about it. He was just telling himself he would find it,nothing specific.

"Oh well...I never really thought about that. Although thanks to you ill do some research now!",he says and then smiles

You listen intently and all of sudden,you feel the toy inside you turn on,and you frantically look around for muzan and there he is Outside the window he is across the streets in the shadows,grinning at you.

You have to try and keep a straight face infront of tanjiro be due to your squirming and terrible attempts at concealing soft moans,he quickly catches onto something being wrong and he immediately starts to question you.

"Hey,are you alright? You look a little uncomfortable.",he asks with a concerned tone.

You quickly respond with,"Y-yep! N-nothing ah..wrong..hah...",and of course tanjiro isn't having it as he continues to question.

"No....I don't think that's true. What's really going on?",he asks with a more serious tone. He start to stand up out of his seat to get a better look at you and then yiu feel the toy going faster and you drop your cup of tea,spilling it all over the table and you can't help keep moaning!

Tanjir look very confused and starts to think you are in need of medical aid so he start to ask,"um...are enough alright? Do you need a doctor..?"

You attempt to respond to his question,"n-nngh~.ah~..agh~....hah~..",and tanjiro starts to blush in embarrassment at your unseemly noises.

He just stand there ensure what to do while you are on the ground in what he thinks is distress.

( Okay no more cause i need some more help🥰 )

(option one: tanjiro gets flirty,some how,and you know what goes next. Dw muzan will still be involved in this one too.)

(Option two: there is no option two🥰🥰🥰 if u wanna give other suggestions,just comment. Ill listen.)

(BTW credits to weirdo899_ for the idea 🫡)

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