Punishment Time/Day one

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(Due to overall community votes, you will be thrown to kokushibo's room.)
(Apologies to those who wanted muzan 😔)

You stared up at the ceiling, away from muzan, and sighed, " Fine. I pick kokushibo's room. "

He looked rather surprised, as if he expected you to pick him, Oh but you knew of kokushibos strength, it could rival muzans. If kokushibo bothered.

So if you played your cards right, maybe you could piss off muzan and gain a powerful ally so you can do whatever the fuck you want without consequences.

After all, you aren't dating muzan. So logically you should be allowed to fuck whoever you want-

Suddenly, your train of thought is interrupted by a very angry muzan, who already had you at the doorstep of kokushibo's room, completely naked.

He had you knock and right as you did, he whispered, "Good luck, love.",  before disappearing, as he did.

You stood there for a good minute before going to knock again, but before you could, the door slowly creaked open.

So you stepped inside," H-hello? K-kokushibo...?", you squeaked out before quickly being whisked into the dark room, the door being slammed behind you.

You were soon greeted by the quite tall, kokushibo.

Well, not really greeted as he just looked down at you, with all...six...eyes. you didn't know he had six eyes. But it looked good on him. Kinda.

You were going to speak, but he just shoved clothes into your arms and turned around.

It was a kimono, a pretty one that transformed into your favourite colour when you put it on.

(I tried)

He then spoke, "Do not touch anything. You may not leave this room until the required 4 days are completed. It is  preferred if you avoided talking to me. You may eat whatever you require, and you must retire to bed when I do."

(Not making this easy, but you get to lie next to him)

He tilted his head slightly," Is this understood?" He asked. You quickly nodded in response.

With that, he walked away, leaving you to navigate his questionably large living quarters.

                   《Time Skip》

Soon, the time to rest came around, and he came from seemingly nowhere to get you to come to bed with him.

He found you eating all his sweet foods.

(Assuming you like sweets, pooks)

He looked, actually you didn't know how he looked, maybe a mixture of disappointment and annoyance.

"I didn't know you had the diet of a Racoon.", he said dryly. You didn't know he was capable of sarcasm.

You just sat there, crumbs all around you, he pulled you to your feet.

"Bed. Right now.", you were about to get sassy with him like you did muzan, but you didn't know if he liked to toy with people like muzan, so you just complied.

You figured this would be difficult so you'd sacrifice your humility and seduce him.

You rushed to the bedroom before him and just kinda tweaked you kimono to look a little less modest, a bit more cleavage here, and more leg showing there, nothing much.

But it was definitely enough for him to immediately notice the clothing along with your questionable pose on the bed as if you were getting drawn.

He immediately raised an eyebrow at the scene.

"Hm. Seems muzan's dropped a slut at my door.", he said plainly.

Ouch. You were always confident when it came to looks, but that stung.

It stung enough to make you sink under the covers in your own little corner of the bed.

You heard him chuckle, then slip into bed with you.

Day 1 completed.


(Okay, but fr, you will get something. Just be patient)

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