Good little slut~

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(Hello again,you horny mfs. This is to keep you busy.)

You woke up chained tightly to a wall,not to mention you were on cold hard floors.

Man,muzan must've really been pissed off with her if he didn't even want to give her the pleasure of a bed.

The room was dark aside from a few dim candles that lit a few areas and  the air was cold and dry,it was obvious that this was no sex dungeon and rather a torture chamber.

(Sorry pookies🫢)

You noticed that your clothes were different,for starters there was much more windflow between your legs and that's when you noticed you were lacking underwear.

Knowing muzan you knew he did that just to humiliate you and give himself easy access to your entrance.

You sigh and Slouch on the wall and not 5 seconds later and the latch from outside the door unlocks and the door slides open and just when you expect to see muzan,it's someone else.

A white haired handsome,not to mention cute,man with a red shirt and white pants.

(It's douma for all you pigeon brains)

The man approaches and bends down with a sadistically sweet smile and he says,"well what do we have here~?"

You can't help but look away in embarrassment at the sight of his colourful eyes and sweet face,you look behind him at the open door and then back at his face a say softly,"I'm...y/n..and uh..I did a bad thing...that i dont regret at all..",

Douma then tilts his head with a wide smile,"well of course you did~ there's no other way to end up in a torture room this brutal!",he exclaims.

You look at him witha. Little bit of shock but mostly fear and ask,"Hey.. what do you mean 'brutal'?"

Douma stops smiling and says with a cold tone,"Oh well. This is a chamber especially for slutty bitches like you.",douma then proceeds to start smiling again.


You then started to roll your eyes and yell,"whatever! If you aren't here for any good reason then go away.",you felt a surge of confidence fill you as you say this.

But alas, this confidence is quickly stripped away when douma firmly presses a hand over your mouth and whispers huskily in your ear,"I would get too lippy if I were you,muzan isn't so fond of you right now so I'm sure he wouldn't mind If I bashed in your skull~"

You immediately shrank down again but you had to admit despite him being so mean he had a face that you just had to forgive.

Douma pulls his hand off your mouth and clasps his hands together before smiling cheerily and speaking again,"now dear,I'm gonna have some fun with you until muzan decides to get off his ass~ sound good?"

You eyes widen immediately upon heading this and you do not respond at first but eventually you do the slightest softest nod you have ever nodded in your life and he smiles happily at your response.

"Well then that's great~ lats play a game..its called truth or dare! Do you know how to play?" Douma says with a smile.

You look at him and nod in response again and he smiles even wider again,"Perfect! I'll go first~ Truth or dare~?"douma says with a mischievous grin.

You look at the floor and then back at him,"uh...I pick..dare?",you say nervously.

Dogma grins even wider and says,"Good choice,dear~ I dare you to suck my dick."

You stare at him for a solid 5 seconds in confusion,"w-what!?! I'm not doing that!",you say with a bright blush forming on your face.

Douma forces a pout and says,"Oh Come on darling~ it's in the have to do the dare."

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