Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter One

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: : S P Y - M A N T I C : : C H A P T E R O N E : :

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People get on my nerves.

Most are sweet and friendly in the beginning, and usually become your ultimate best friend, but in the end, they turn right around and stab you in the back like a psychopathic serial killer.

I know this is accurate, because my best friend for FOUR FREAKING YEARS, Alexa, betrayed me with all her might, which i may add to prove my point, hurt as much as a knife to the back several times would hurt. So, in this case, Alexa is the psychopathic serial killer!

I wouldn't have so much hatred to her, if she didn't do what she did. She knew I hated attention, and now I have almost ALL the intention because of her little game with my boyfrie- EX BOYFRIEND, Mark.

Somebody posted a picture to the school website of her and Mark locking lips intently behind a movie theater the other night! When I saw that picture, I lost it, and now I hate both of them more than I hate anything else in this world.

"I hate them!" I yelled out of utter frustration, as I slammed the cash register shut. Several people enjoying their meals turned to look at me with fear and confusion.

"What?" I snapped, "Am I not allowed to be angry at something? Just mind your own business and return to your meals." I rolled my eyes, and continued what I was doing.

Isn't it amazing how I hate attention, yet I have no problem causing dramatic scenes? Well, I'm an amazing actor, but I'd never really try and become and actress because then I'd get a lot of attention, which I hate.

"Ella! How many times do I have to tell you not to disturb our customers?" Mrs. Beth, the restaurant owner, yelled from behind the cooking counter.

"Sorry Mrs. Beth." I replied with a sigh.

"Why don't you go take a walk through the town square and let off some steam?" She suggested, making sure I knew she wasn't actually giving me a choice. I nodded and took off my apron, walking straight through the tables that sat on the patio stone.

Strolling through the square, I saw some interesting people. One guy had long, pink hair that another girl was braiding for him. Some woman even decided to bring her pet armadillo, and walk him by a leash.

Where do you even get a pet armadillo?

The most interesting though, would be the amount of shady men, mysteriously examining the premises with their black sunglasses, and huge bodies. They were all wearing black suits, and to be honest, they didn't seem very friendly.

As I approached the fountain, also known as the middle of the town square, I saw even more of those men surrounding the fountain. They let innocent people near the water, but it seemed like they were looking for someone specific.

I wonder who.

Since it was a rather warm day, I decided to sit by the fountain too. I've been coming to this particular fountain since I was little, so it brings back some interesting memories.

Walking towards the stone structure with oozing water, I didn't realize there was a large, wet, slippery spot beneath me. As I stepped foot on to it, I slipped and started to fall forward. I closed my eyes and waited for my petite body to smash against the stone, but instead, I fell onto something that wasn't exactly soft, but not hard either.

I slowly opened my eyes, to see that I was now laying on top of a beautiful guy. His eyes were as blue as the sky, with a little bit of green mixed into them. His brown hair was all messed up, which made him 50 times more attractive. Plus, his jawline was PERFECT.

The only thing I didn't like, was the fact that he looked pissed, and I mean PISSED.

I looked around and saw that a pair of dark glasses, and a dark hat were lying there on the stone.

"It's Will! It's him! Get him! Quickly!" A deep voice yelled, causing a large commotion. All the men in the suits I saw earlier were coming towards us. Was i perhaps on top of this known Will? I gasped, and then looked back down to see his mortified, angry face staring directly through mine.

"We can't let him get away this time!" Another man yelled.

"Grab the girl too!" Someone else shouted.

Wait, girl? Oh! I'm the girl!

Before I could get up and run away, 'Will' shoved me off of him roughly, causing me to hit my head against the fountain's foundation.

"This is all your fault!" He yelled, grabbing his disguises and beginning to run away as I felt a wet substance on my forehead. I looked down at my hand, and saw red blood all over it.

Crap! I'm bleeding!

"There she is, and there he goes! Grab them both!" Orders were being shot out in all directions. That's when I became fully aware that I should be running right now, judging by the fact that a couple of large men were running towards me.

"Oh my!" I screamed, standing up quickly. Why wasn't anybody else trying to help me? Can't they see I'm in trouble? Plus, that guy abandoned me rudely, and he's the one they want most.

"Come here!" One yelled, attempting to grab me. I dodged his grab, and started to run randomly, because I had no idea where to go.

I frequently looked back only to see they were right behind me, which wasn't good at all.

Ugh, where do I go? I can't go back to the restaurant, they'll follow and hurt everyone there! But I can't go home either. Then they'll know where I live, and that is NOT acceptable. Oh boy, what do I do?

"Psst!" A voice coming from next to me whispered. I turned my head in that direction to see the rude, handsome man that I fell on, Will.

"Follow me!" He yelled, grabbing my arm and yanking me in his direction. He was a fast runner, and he expected me to keep up, but I've never been fast in my whole lifetime.

"Can't you run any faster?" Will snapped harshly. Gosh, why was he being so rude?

"No! My head hurts!" I complained, starting to feel a little dizzy.

"Your head?" Will looked back at me, and instantly his eyes widened, and we both stopped for a moment.

"Woah." I said, stumbling back and forth as everything started to seem like a blur.

"Are you ok?" He asked, examining me.

"I- i don't kno-" before I could finish my sentence, I fell backwards, but a pair of arms caught me. I was barely able to tell that it was him.

"Hello? Girl! Girl!" He yelled, starting to shake me. I tried to stay conscious, but apparently God had other plans for me, because before I knew it, my eyelids shut, and everything went black.

♡ ♡ ♡

Please continue to read! I know it's just the first chapter, and I'm sure it seems boring, but I have so many great plans for this story, and I can't wait to share them all with you! So, I hope that you'll chose to continue reading for me, and possibly leave a vote and comment :)


What happens in the next Chapter?

• You'll have to read to find out.

Spy-Mantic *Completed* [Wattys2015]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora