Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Fifteen

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Let us all appreciate how fifteen year old me spelt coma as comma.

"Ella?" A faint voice called out to me.

My eyes were still cold, and my body was limp. I couldn't move, but I could hear perfectly fine. I don't think I was in a comma, but maybe I was just still asleep.

"Ella dear, please wake up." The female lightly shook me, which caused my eyes to flip open, and for me to gasp for air. As soon as I started to breathe regularly, I sat back in the white bed of a white room. The woman who woke me up, was no other than Agent Wisp. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't Will with me, but figured he wouldn't be here.

"Glad to see you're awake." She smiled, and picked her signature clip board up.

"Where am I?" I asked, noticing this wasn't my apartment, nor the hospital.

"Will brought you all the way back to the agency." She said, checking my vitals on the machine. That's when I realized I was in Will's suite, in my room from when I stayed here 2 years ago.

I nodded in response.

"You're 100% better." She cheered, "Well, except for the little scratch on your cheek, but that will go away on its own."

I examined my body, and saw no scratches or broken bones. Not to mention, I was in no pain at all.

"How is this possible?" I looked at her with a confused expression planted on my face.

"It's a special medicine we use on Agents here if we need them to recover quickly." She explained.

"Then why did you use it on me?"

"Because we need you to join us again." She unclipped a couple papers, and moved them to the top of her clipboard.

"What do you need me for?" I narrowed my eyes. As I recalled, I just screwed up their mission last time.

"Well, we located where Kenny is hiding out, and since he has no idea you're with us, or that we know where he is, we're planning on capturing him for good. I think it's called a sneak attack?" She handed me a paper with Kenny's location printed on it.

'Warehouse 46 - Sacramento, California'

"Ok, but I still don't see where I'm needed." I pointed out, handing her back the paper.

"Obviously Kenny is still after you, which means you'd be perfect bait." Will entered the room, and stood next to Agent Wisp.

"I guess you could put it that way." She glared at Will for a moment. "Honey, all we need you to do is get Kenny out of his warehouse for a little while. That way we can sneak through the back, take care of his men, and then grab Kenny, and keep him in the basement under secure cells."

It didn't seem that complicated, but they're also asking me to help, and I can mess up almost anything. Even cooking with directions.

"So, can you help us?" She awaited my answer with hopeful eyes.

I could either help them, and mess all of this up, or I can not help them, and also mess everything up.

I might as well fail trying, instead of fail doing nothing.

"Sure." I replied, causing her to jump a little.

"I'll go arrange this right now!" And with that, she ran out of the room in her heels. I think this is the first time I've ever seen her run before.

Will and I were the only one's in the room now, and there was some awkward silence going on. It was weird being here again, especially after what had happened.

"I just- I wish I never met you!" He yelled this louder than anything else. I almost felt like he meant it.

"Ugh! I hate you so-"

"I get it!" I yelled cutting him off.

Did I feel bad? Of course. Did I want to let him rant? Sure. But it's gotten really annoying because he's been saying the same exact things over and over again.

"Well, you s-"

"Shut up, Will, Shut- Up!" I watched as he looked at me oddly and stopped talking.

"Ok, I get it you're upset, and I get it that you hate me, but you just need to shut the hell up right now. I'm sorry I'm a clumsy, fail of a person, and that I tripped on my dress and fell on you again, but I swear I didn't plan it! And I'm sorry that I ran into you a couple weeks ago, and pissed you off so much that you wish you never met me, so if you really want it to be that way, where we never even met, then fine. Consider it done." I shook my head and began to walk away.

I still remember it all clearly. It was one of the hardest situations I've ever been in. At the time, I had feelings for him, but obviously he didn't feel the same way. It's hard to be hated by the person you love.

"Guessing you're feeling okay." Will broke the silence, but looked down not wanting to make eye contact.

"Yea, I guess I am." I avoided eye contact with him as well, for I didn't want to speak to him all that much.

"Well, um, I just came to check up on you, so I'll-"

"Why did you wait two full years to talk to me?" I blurted out, not being able to stop myself. Will looked alarmed, and I could tell he was searching for things to say.

"I already told you, it didn't seem right." He responded.

"So if Kenny didn't threaten me, would you have continued to watch me like you did?"

"No I- Well- okay, yes. You caught me. I wouldn't of confronted you."

"Then why even bother to come after me?"

There was a short pause, and I was getting ready to walk away, but Will said something I'd never think to come out of his mouth.

"Because I love you, Ella." Everything froze at his words. Will loved me? It sure didn't seem like it.

"You're lying. You wished you never met me!" I yelled.

"That was a mistake! A huge mistake! I was just angry that Kenny got away. After I said that, I wish I never did, because before I could do anything, you were gone." He explained.

I didn't know whether to believe him or not. Will was unpredictable like that, very unpredictable.

"I don't know Will. It doesn't seem real." I pulled the covers off of me, and stood up.

"How real do I have to make it sound for you to actually believe me?" Will sounded like he was beginning to get angry.

"Will, I have to get dressed." I ignored his question, hoping he would realize that I don't want to continue with this conversation.

"Answer me Ella." He demanded in a semi-frightening way. There's the Will I know.

"Leave Will." I said.


"Will- leave!" I shouted, pointing to the door. I felt as if the whole world grew quiet.

Will shook his head out of frustration, and stormed out of my room, leaving me all alone.

I sat back down on the bed, and rubbed my face.

Can I trust him?

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