Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Fourteen

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"So, let me get this straight." Will began, "You went to the store, and that's when he arrived at the shop?"

We were sitting here gathering our facts at 12:30 a.m. Apparently, this was important for whatever reason.

"Well, that's what Karolyn said." I watched as he paced around the apartment living room, thinking silently in his head.

I could tell Will hasn't changed much. He still desperately wants to catch Kenny, still has the urge to be super protective, and still has this special quality about him, that I'm trying hard to resist at the moment.

"Seems to me like he didn't want you to see him." He stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Kenny isn't an idiot. He's been watching you for a while now, so I'm sure he'd know when, or if you've left the store." He explained, sitting down next to me on my couch.

"But, how do you know he's been watching me?" It sounds like Will has been watching me too.

"Because I know Kenny, and he isn't the type to let people go easily." He picked up the letter, and began to read it once more.

But what about earlier? Why did he run off like that? I haven't seen him in two years, and upon hearing my name, he flee's.

"Why did you run earlier?" I broke the small silence, catching Will by surprise. His eyes widened at first, but then were released as he sighed.

"I don't know." Was the only reply he could give.

"How is 'I don't know', a reasonable answer for that?"

"It's not."

"I've waited two years for you to come after me, but you never even dared to show your face."

Will stayed silent. Good, it was my turn to rant.

"Did you really hate me that much? Were you actually being serious when you wished you never met me?"

"You can't be mad at me for everything, Ella, you're the one who left." He pointed out.

"But you never stopped me."

After 2 years of thinking, I've figured it out. I've figured out, why it took me so long to stop thinking about Will, to get over him. It was because I loved him. Not as a friend, because we were definitely not friends, but as something more. He clearly didn't feel the same way, though, because I never saw him until now.

There was another, short silence, but like before, I broke it.

"I'm going to bed." I stood up and walked over to my bedroom door, "You can sleep on the couch if you want too."

I watched as Will stood up and walked over to me. I didn't know what he was doing, but I didn't really care at this moment. I opened the door, and right before shutting it, his hand interfered.

"Ella, I did come after you." He spoke up, "but I never confronted you, because I couldn't. It didn't seem right, so I kept my distance. I've been here for the past two years with you, you just never realized until now."

As much as I wanted to say something, I couldn't. I was shocked to find out that he's been here the whole time, and I thought he was somewhere else, doing spy stuff. I was happy, but also upset. Upset that he waited until now to show his face.

That's when I just shut the door without saying anything.

What could I have said anyways? It's not like I was that familiar with him anymore. Will could be a totally different person for all I know.

I guess everything changes over long periods of time.


"Morning Karolyn." I greeted her with a smile as I walked into the flower shop for another day worth of work.

"Oh! Ella! Can you come help with these flower cookies I decided to make?" She threw her flour and icing covered hands in the air.

"Karolyn, since when do you bake?" I asked, walking over to her.

"To be honest, this is my first time." We both laughed as she held a finished cookie to my face.

"You want me to try it?" I asked, causing her to nod. I shrugged and took a bite, but spit it out right away.

Karolyn stood there laughing.

"I knew I was a terrible cook." She dropped her icing bag and shook her head with a smile.

"It tastes like a salt cake!" I cried, wiping the nasty taste off of my mouth.

"Oh... I must of used salt instead of sugar." She flashed a tacky smile, and watched as I chugged down a water bottle.

"You should of known we only had salt here." I said, throwing the remainder of the cookies out.

"Ok, well, will you please set up outside while I clean this up?" She asked.

"Sure thing." I smiled and nodded, grabbing two of the flower buckets we decided on yesterday, and walking outside.

The sun was able to shine through this time, because Mr. Ward has been parking his truck further down. I looked around and spotted Will sitting on a park bench across the street.

For about a week, Will has been coming to work with me, and staying at my apartment. He thinks it's best if he was there to protect me just in case Kenny tried to make a move. I tried to stop it, but Will refused to let anything else happen. It's kind of weird how protective he's been lately. I mean, yes he used to always be protective, but now it's just a little more extreme.

I smiled at him for a moment, but then returned back to setting the flowers up. Then Karolyn came running out with her purse.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I got this unknown call saying there was an emergency at the hospital. My mom fell down the stairs." She panted heavily as she stomped down the stairs, "I'm sorry, but I have to go!" And with that she was gone.

That's weird. How could an unknown caller know about her mom? Usually 'New York Hospital' appears on her phone, because she saves the contact....

Oh know. She's in trouble!

I frantically stood up, not knowing what to do. Should I go after her? I mean, it's been a while since I've fought with someone, so who knows if I'm any good. But than again, if I don't, I can't even say I tried to help her.

I rushed inside and saw her phone sitting on the counter. Since I knew her passcode, I went in her phone and checked her recents.

She lied. It wasn't an unknown caller, it was Kenny.

I knew this, because the number was 178, and nobody has the phone number '178' except for Kenny.

I clicked on voicemail, and saw how he left her a voicemail, so I listened to it.

"Hello dear Karolyn Rhodes, this is a good friend of Ella's. I need you to think of an excuse to get out of that store as fast as you can, or I'll kill you. Have a nice day." And with that the message ended.

Kenny wasn't after Karolyn, he was after me. I have to get Will.

I ran back outside and saw Will in the same position.

"Will!" I yelled, getting his attention. He jumped up alarmed.

"Will! We have to g-" And before I could finish, a large noise filled the area, and an explosion went off directly behind me. The flower store blew up, sending me flying across the street.

I hit my body against a tree, and with that, I was out cold.

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